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Bondita and Andrew just finished eating and they were about to go to other shops but were interrupted by some clapping noises they both turned around and they had horror in their eyes by seeing both Liam and Anirudh's team
Anirudh and Liam's team were glaring at them and the girls were glaring at Bondita like if eyes could generate fire Bondita would have burned
Liam- ms Bondita I thought u learned ur lesson but I guess no
Anirudh-hey let me see what u made Andrew buy for u cause u can't buy anything for urself and u need a men to take care of ur needs am I right Bondita
Everyone laughed at that comment and Bondita felt humiliated Andrew was about to speak but Bondita interrupted
Bondita-oh really see who is telling this mr Anirudh have u ever seen ur self if u haven't let me explain how u are mr Anirudh u are the person who was living in London with their dads money I mean u are the person who couldn't earn a penny till they were 23 and u were telling me I am a spoiled brat mr Anirudh I am a debate champion and their is no debate competition I have not won in Kolkata nor any other state in India
Andrew expression changed from horror to proud from the moment Bondita started speaking
Andrew-and listen mr Liam this is my money not my dads unlike urs I have every right to spend it on anybody I like
Mia-Andrew why are u with this slut when u can be with someone like me
Tanya-have u gone made Mia Andrew is mine and listen u slut what was ur name ya ya I remember it was Bondita so listen ms Bondita don't even fucking try to take my Andrew from me
Bondita-ms Tanya I don't need to take him from u cause he is already mine and what did u tell me I am a slut but as per as I know u slept with ur teacher in ur college in London so that u can top didn't u
Tanya-how do u know
Bondita-well I actually didn't knew anything nor did I heard it from anyone I just made it up but I guess u really slept with ur teacher and u were telling me I am a slut ya I guess I haven't looked at urself in the mirror
Tanya-u fucking bitch she shouted while pointing her finger at Bondita
Bondita- hey u idiot keep ur finger down don't put ur finger pointing at me do u understand
Bondita and Andrew went off to their car
Bondita-Andrew I am sorry
Andrew -sorry for what baby
Bondita-for me u were insulted by those filthy people
Andrew-no I was not insulted but I was indeed very proud of u that u took a stand for urself and ur reply's were awesome my lady
Bondita-thanks Andrew but now I am bored and there is only one more week I have till I go to London and I will miss u
Andrew-so will I miss u but we can write each other letters and call every month
Bondita-ok my love but as I said I wanna spend some more time with u
Andrew -ok so do I so let's go to my house
Bondita-ya let's go and watch a movie she said in a cute voice
Andrew- ok baby
They both drove to Andrew's house while holding hands as u can see upwards
They entered the mansion and directly went to Andrew's room
Bondita sat on Andrew's bed comfortably and was under Andrew's blanket
Andrew switched on the movie Cinderella as she loved the movie
And came to the bed and they both cuddled
Bondita was tired and so was Andrew so they both slept cuddling each other which u can see upwards

After an hour Andrew woke up and was giving light kisses on Bondita's face and was swirling Bondita's hair with his finger
Andrew loved Bondita's hair she has long silky wavy soft hair she just has the perfect hair
Bondita woke up after so many kisses and she said
Bondita-good evening Andrew she said in a cute raspy voice as she just woke up
Andrew-good evening my dear angel wake up now I also have to drop u home or ur father will be worried
Bondita -ok but will u bake a chocolate cake with me please
Andrew-aww u are so cute and how can I say no to this cute face so let's go to the kitchen
Bondita -ok babe
Bondita got off from the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen and started making the cake
She was mixing the flour and egg and then she was about to add the vanilla syrup but then she felt some hands across her tiny waist and she didn't even need to take a look at the person behind her because she already knew it was Andrew
Andrew was holding Bondita in a back hugging position which u can see upwards
Andrew-why did u stop baby
Bondita-how can I concentrate when this handsome man is holding me from my waist
Andrew-u said me handsome
Bondita-baby this not the first time I said u are handsome so what happened
Andrew-no but this feels special
Bondita-really I love u baby
Bondita and Andrew started baking the cake and after forty five minutes the cake was finished making and it looked beautiful
They cut the chocolate cake and Bondita fed Andrew while Andrew fed Bondita
Bondita then put a little bit of frosting on Andrew's nose and he matched his nose with her
They both were drowning into each other's eyes and they were coming close and suddenly desires moverpowered and they both kissed each other as u can see upwards

This is a pretty long chapter so I hope u all will like it and please comment and vote
Ps love u

kya chunegi Bondita -anidita ya bondrew  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now