Gold digger

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Bondita-hey Andrew
Andrew-hi Bondita hi uncle hi everybody I
Binoy-hi Andrew
Andrew-is everything fine uncle u came here all of a sudden
Binoy-nothing we just came here to see u both
Hearing this u both blushed
Andrew-u all can catch up with us for lunch we are going to an Italian pizza place so u all can join us if u want
Batuk was about to say yes but was interrupted by Binoy
Binoy-no we shall not join u u should get some time alone as well we already ruined some of ur moments by coming with u
Andrew-no uncle u are thinking absolutely wrong u didn't disturb us and we want u to have lunch with us
Batuk-baba see Andrew is saying so politely so I think we should listen to him and go to the pizza place with them
Bondita-yes please join us
Binoy-batuk please shut ur mouth and Bondita da doesn't eat pizza and I shall not eat without him right that is why none of us can come
Andrew -well I guess u all are not coming but u can join us for a quick snack
Batuk-baba please don't deny that
Binoy-fine but only a quick snack
Andrew-ya amazing so would u like to taste some banana cake that me and Bondita made
so I am adding this part -flashbacks
Andrew-Sweetie can we make banana cake
Bondita-sure love
They both went in the kitchen and Bondita took out some flour and put in a bowl and added some water (I don't know how to make banana cake I am just making it to my liking)Andrew came beside her and back hugged her
Bondita-what are u doing love
Andrew-I just wanted to hug u
Bondita-aww u are so cute she took a little amount of flour on her finger and put the flour in his nose
Bondita-u look so cute
Andrew without saying anything bumped his nose with hers and like that he put some flour on her nose
They were front hugging as Andrew turned Bondita around
Andrew-now we both are looking cute he said sweetly
They both were looking cute as hell
End of flash back

Batuk-u made banana bread Bondita let's go eat them
Bondita-lets go batuk
They all went to the dining area and sat down Bondita sat with Andrew and a servant came with the banana cake and some other pastries and chocolates they all were enjoying the food and after a while they finished
Binoy-the banana bread was awesome Bondita and Andrew
Andrew-thanks uncle
Batuk-the chocolates were mind blowing they were fantastic
Bondita-yes batuk we can see that by ur hands I think u need to wash ur hands otherwise u are going to get chocolate all over ur clothes
Batuk-oh ya I should would u please tell me where the basin is
Andrew-the nearest bathroom is in the sword room
Batuk-ok thanks Anirudh dada please come with me
Anirudh-why me
Batuk-please Anirudh dada
Anirudh-fine let's go
Anirudh and batuk went to the sword room
Binoy-I think we should leave i have a meeting
Kaka-ya Binoy chalte hai hum bhi aur Anirudh aur batuk kisi aur gari se ajayega
Binoy-thik hai Andrew aur Bondita bye please chaliye yaha se please
Saying this everyone left leaving Anirudh and Batuk their and now Andrew and Bondita too went to the sword room because Andrew haven't kept his sword in place
In sword room
Andrew was rubbing the sword so that it is clean and out of a sudden he found Bondita back hugging him
Andrew-what happened baby
Bondita-can't I hug u without any reason
Andrew-no u can he said but before Bondita could reply he turned her around now facing him by her waist their nose were touching and if a person takes one step then their lips would brush
Andrew-can I
After hearing the word yes Andrew put his lips on Bondita for a soulful kiss their lips are moving in a sync
And someone saw it and it was Anirudh and batuk
Batuk-dada Andrew kissed Bondita
Dada are u listening to me
Anirudh-yes how can Bondita do like this to me I can't believe it he said in a hurt voice
Batuk-they look so hot together
Anirudh-lets go from here batuk pls

They backed away from a short five minutes kiss
Andrew-thank u sweetheart for choosing me I love u
Bondita-so do I but don't u think we should break the hug batuk and Anirudh must have come
Andrew-ya we should
They both backed away and maintained a distance
And then batuk and Anirudh came
Batuk-bye Bondita bye Andrew
Bondita-bye batuk wait a min are u crying Anirudh babu
Anirudh-no I am not crying Bondita just some dust went into my eyes that is why tears are coming out
Bondita-is it serious do u want to go to the doctor
Anirudh-no Bondita it is fine I just wanna go home
Andrew-well ok then bye batuk bye mister Anirudh
Batuk and Anirudh went in the car Anirudh drove the car in a full speed and batuk was shouting as he was falling from one side of the car to the other because of the speed of the car
Soon they reached the Roy Choudhary mansion and Anirudh ran to his study while batuk slowly walked to his room

Anirudh-kyu kiya tumne mere sath esa Bondita tumhe nahi pata lekin tum duniya ki sabse khudgars aur to aur tum ek gold digger ho I hate u and I will make u fall in love with me and then break ur heart just like u did my after saying this he fell into deep slumber

So this was a huge chapter and I thought of updating it today as I was feeling nice and I hope u all will like it pls comment and vote
Ps love u

kya chunegi Bondita -anidita ya bondrew  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now