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Andrew and Binoy went upstairs to Bondita's room to find her
But to their misery they couldn't find her anywhere and was not even being able to hear a single sound
Binoy-Andrew where is Bondita he shouted
Andrew-uncle I tucked her in the bed and also made her fall asleep I swear he said in a low but very very miserable tone and fear could be seen in his eyes he had fear of loosing his love whom he considered his life
Binoy-then where is she we need to find her she may do self harm I can't let her harm herself he shouted both in anger and misery of thinking that his daughter may do something wrong because of what incident took place with her
Andrew-uncle u go check downstairs and I will check in the terrace and all the other rooms on this floor he said after he took a breath and realised that they need to find Bondita and they can't just stand here doing nothing
Binoy-ok let's go
Binoy ran downstairs
Andrew was about to go out of the room when he suddenly heard a whisper
"Please mujhe mat choro Andrew please " he was continuously hearing this whisper in this particular one minute
Andrew followed the sound to find its owner
The sound took Andrew to Bondita's bathroom where he could hear the sounds loud and clear
Andrew-Bondita sweetheart open the door he repeated this line twice in a sweet tone
But the door didn't open so he pushed the door lightly and found that the door was open
The site before him shocked him till core he never expected his lady love to be crying
Bondita was in her bath tub she had turned on the shower which made her wet but the site that shocked him was that she was crying badly she wasn't sobbing rather crying loudly
Andrew being horror stricken stood their for a minute itself and than he realised that he has to do something to help her overcome this fear
He went near her and went inside the bathtub
He got wet but still stood their
He bent down to her and sat infront of her
Andrew-Bondita he said while putting two of his fingers on her face and brought her face up so they could talk face to face
Bondita looked at him with horror filled eyes
Andrew-Bondita darling look tell me whatever the problem is and I promise I will solve everything
Bondita-Andrew promise me u will still get married to me right and love me
Andrew-of course I do and will do till eternity so now tell me what happened why are u crying
Bondita-Andrew I am feeling very dirty Andrew he hasn't raped me but rather molest me I don't know what I did to him that he did that to me
Andrew-I know Bondita but I will still except u and the things u just said now doesn't make any difference on how I see u ok
Bondita-ok Andrew I love u
Andrew-I love u too and now tell me what do u need so that at least u can forget a little bit about that incident
Bondita-kiss me
Andrew-what he said being confused
Bondita-I said kiss me Andrew please kiss me so that I could forget his lips on my
Andrew kissed Bondita passionately yet very soft and securely so that she doesn't get hurt
They broke the kiss after five minutes
Bondita was shaking out of cold because all her clothes were wet cause the shower was on
Andrew saw her shaking in cold so he wrapped a towel around her and took her to her clothes changing area and gave Bondita some clothes to wear in which she will feel comfortable after that incident

Andrew went outside the place so that Bondita could change
Andrew was in her room and she was changing in her bathroom
Binoy entered the room with a worried face
Binoy-Andrew mujhe Bondita kahi nahi mili he said and he being worried can be seen in his face
Andrew-uncle I found Bondita
Binoy-really where is she he said as his face glowed up with joy
Andrew-uncle she is changing in the bathroom
Binoy-oh is she fine
Andrew-ya mostly she said that Anirudh begged for forgiveness after what he did and that Anirudh said that he did it out of pain he was facing(guys I changed the part a little cause I didn't wanna make Anirudh a complete villain and also a lot of people were not voting and all But most importantly I didn't wanted to make him a full villain rather I made made him a part time villain who became a villain because of time but now has changed to good)
Binoy-I know he said to me too downstairs he was begging for forgiveness he was on my foot
Bondita came out of the washroom wearing the white long shirt and pant pajamas which u can see upwards
Binoy-bondita are u fine
Bondita-I would not say fine but definitely much better
Binoy-I hope u get fine soon Bondita and I am leaving u both and u all can have a chat and Andrew please stay here for tonight I will talk to ur parents so that they do not worry
Andrew-sure uncle no problem
Binoy went out of the room
Andrew-Bondita u stay here I am just going to use the washroom ok
Andrew went to the washroom and someone else came to the room and it was none other than Anirudh
Anirudh-Bondita I am sorry I didn't mean to do anything like this please forgive me if possible Bondita I request
Bondita-I forgive ur mistake but I can surely say I will not forget it I will never be able to see u as the same I used too
Anirudh-it's fine Bondita take ur time i know the mistake I did does not deserve forgiveness but u being grateful gave me forgiveness and I am sorry I don't know what got into me that I forgot that u have the right to choose ur life partner and let me tell u Bondita u have chose the right person for u U know Bondita I thought I was the perfect man but than I saw Andrew who is literally the best man for every woman he said
Bondita-Anirudh babu pata hai ab itne mahino baad aap main mujhe apne purane vale Anirudh babu dikh rahe hai naki mr Anirudh aur I am very sorry about how I behaved with u earlier I am really ashamed about it and I hope that u and Manorama have a blessed married life and I will most definitely try to forget everything though I don't think that's possible
Anirudh-thank u soo much Bondita I feel much much much better now and sleep well I heard from baba that Andrew is staying with u so I hope he take cares and yes Bondita tomorrow is ur crowning I hope u get ready soon and don't take a million years cause if u do Andrew have to marry someone else he said in a joking tone
Bondita-aap ko lagta hai main itna samay lagati hu huh she said and blowed her mouth just like old Bondita

This is the longest chapter I wrote and I changed a lot from last chapter
I know I didn't update for a long time but it was because I had to take a vaccine which u have to take after hitting puberty and I also had copy submission and I had to write a lot of assignments so I couldn't write my story
And I also have to give some credits
-@kaur_the_princess u can check out her story
-@SamairaSingh549 u can also check out her story her story is one of my favourites
They both gave me some ideas

kya chunegi Bondita -anidita ya bondrew  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now