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Bondita went to her room Once she entered the room she closed the door and went to the washroom and closed the washroom door she sat beside the basin and cried silently (in my opinion silent crying is the worst because u have no one to tell ur sorrows she can't tell her baba because there are something's we don't wanna share even to our closest family and plus she can't tell the rest of them cause nobody would understand and she can't even tell Andrew about it the person who she used to tell everything because she is afraid how he will react so she closed her mouth and cried it hurts when u cry like it's my personal opinion as I faced it)after crying for an hour she said
Bondita-no Bondita u can't just cry like that don't be afraid he won't be mad and even if he will be I will make him understand their is no point in crying !!let me take a relaxing bath that shall help
She said and went to prepare a bubble bath for herself she took a relaxing bath and later wore baby pink silk robe (u can see upwards) she looked extremely irresistibly sexy like the sexiest girl in the world especially with that white lace bra that was complimenting her white skin
She thought of reading a book but she forgot to bring it as she ran upstairs because she was on the verge to cry and didn't want to cry in front of them
Bondita-well well guess who forgot to bring a book my idiot head now what will I do huh !!!hmmm I should go to the study nobody will be there at this time of the night yaaa
She said and went downstairs and to her luck nobody was downstairs and slowly she entered the study but luck was something that do not always stay the same Anirudh was in the study he was doing some silent reading of a book and Bondita saw him because of the light the little lamp was giving
Bondita-omg what shall I do I can't even go outside he will notice it oh holy shit!!!!she mumbled to herself
Anirudh-who is here tell me who is here he shouted as he awakened himself from reading by the opening of the door
Anirudh-who is here I am repeating if u don't answer I am going to call the cop when he got no answer he said oh so ur challenging me let me call the cops and u will be arrested!!
He said and dialed the number but before he could dial the last number he was pushed and someone covered his mouth
He was awestruck by seeing how beautiful Bondita is
Bondita-what were u going to do call the police on me because I came to take a book from the study in my own house she said as she removed her hand
Anirudh-Why were u not answering me if u would have answered I wouldn't have call the police and what in the world are u doing in the study at this time of the night don't u think u should sleep
Bondita-I just came here to take a book and I can also ask u the same question why are u so up late
Anirudh-I am a full grown adult and I can do whatever I want and what are u wearing
Bondita -oh really I thought u were a child!i just came from a relaxing bath so I wore this I think u should have no problems and now no more questions I am just going to take my book and go
As she said she took the book she was looking for and went to her leaving a awestruck person behind
After sometime Anirudh came out of his thoughts he went to sleep and Bondita after reading the book went to her sleep as she had school in the morning

Next morning
Dining table
Everyone were having a silent breakfast until Bondita came in a cheerleader dress u can imagine Veronica's cheerleading dress from riverdale as today was cheerleading practice
Bondita-hi everyone good morning suprabhat kaka aur thaku Maa
Binoy-good morning Bondita but why are u wearing a cheerleading dress
Batuk-ya why are u wearing it
Bondita-have u forgot batuk today is cheerleading practice so obviously I am going to wear a cheerleading dress
Batuk-oh ya i forgot
Bondita sat in middle of som and Binoy as usual but the only thing different is she was wearing a promise ring by Andrew which was shining as it was pure diamond sapphire
Sampoorna-ye tere hath se kya chamak raha hai Bondita
Bondita looked at her hands and mummers oh shit!!!
Bondita-nothing please continue ur breakfast
Thaku Maa-Kya hai wo Bondita dikha na
Bondita-kuch nahi hai thaku maa mera khana hogaya wo aaj jaldi jana hai practice hai na
Som-but u haven't even took a bite
Bondita-I am not hungry som and I should get going
She said and ran to the road
She reached school after a while of walking she was just thinking how she going to tell Andrew she was telling herself not to panic but was panicking way to much
She was finding Andrew and then she spotted him with Harry
Bondita-hey Andrew hey Harry she said while approaching them
Andrew-hey how are u Bondita
Harry-how have u been
Bondita-I am pretty fine but Harry would u mind if I talk with Andrew alone
Harry-no not at all I was just going to class have a good day u both
Bondrew-ya u too
Andrew-so Bondita what do u wanna tell me
Bondita-it's serious Andrew I am going to London
Andrew-what do u mean
Bondita -I said I am going to London
Andrew-why Bondita
Bondita-because Anirudh is forcing me he said he will only sign the divorce papers if I go to London to study law
Andrew-why is he doing that to u and I have no problems u can have ur own career right but can u tell me how many years are it going to take
Bondita-it will take three years (it's fake so just think)
Andrew-how am I suppose to leave without u but u know what I am ready to sacrifice it so that u can have a successful career
Bondita-so u don't have a problem
Andrew-no I don't
Bondita-thanks Andrew for understanding me she said and tightly hugged him and he to accepted it protectively

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Ps love u

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