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I wanna request if u have seen my last part I told that they went to the car but pls think they didn't and they all are in the same room as a lot of u wanna see Andrew's possessiveness and Anirudh's pov so I will show it to u in this chapter and also pls tell me when do u want leap in the comments

Andrew-lets go Bondita shall we
Anirudh-no Bondita u won't go anywhere
Andrew-why won't she
Anirudh-because I am not allowing her
Andrew-she doesn't need ur allowance she already got her fathers allowance and btw what even are u to her
Anirudh-So u are questioning me what am I to her so I am going to let u know I am her birristera babu,her aaina babu,rakshak babu and her shikshak babu
Andrew-That was the past but what are u now to her
Anirudh-I am her.......he was stuttering
Andrew-see I proved u wrong u are nothing to her
Anirudh-Bondita come with me we will go to shopping in ur favourite bazzar and also eat ur favourite malai kulfi like we used to
Andrew-Bondita why are u even listening to her u said u will be going with me right we are supposed to go to the mall an get u some clothes for London and after that we can go get ice cream at our favourite ice cream shop and also how can u forget u told that u will have ur breakfast at my mansion I myself specially prepared French toast and chocolate ice frappe just for u
Anirudh-no Bondita u can have lunch with us we can go get luchi and aloor dom from ur favourite shop that u always used to go when u were twelve
Andrew-ha jokes on u she doesn't even like it her favourite breakfast items are French toast and chocolate ice frappe so Bondita as he is already proven wrong so let's we are getting late
Anirudh-no Bondita u said u like raisin cake so we can go get it
Bondita-mr Anirudh I am allergic to raisins and when I said that I was eleven and I already promised Andrew that the days before going to London I will spend with him
Bondita-so bye everyone bye baba
Andrew-bye everyone bye uncle
Bye Bondita's Anirudh bhaiya he said in a mocking voice
They said and went to Andrew's car
Bondita-why did u taunt him
Andrew-well it's not my fault everybody should u are mine and only mine just like I am only urs do u understand
Bondita-yai yai master
Andrew-ya ya stop and pls give me a kiss
Bondita-we are literally in the car
Andrew-so what who cares I just want my kiss the last time I kissed u was a week ago and I am missing it please and I do not wanna force myself on u so u can kiss me only if u want not because I told u ok
Bondita-omg u melted my heart and this surely deserves a kiss
After hearing this Andrew stopped the car and holded Bondita's waist tightly and slapped his lips on hers their lips are moving in sync they both are enjoying their kiss but about seven minutes later they were out of breath so they both backed out
Andrew-thank u Sweetheart for choosing me
Bondita -stop saying thank u u are my dear love aren't u
Andrew-am I
Bondita-u are indeed but u know I am really hungry especially when u said u made French toast and chocolate ice frappe
Andrew-ya let's go baby he said and turned on the car
Soon enough they reached and they went inside the mansion and Andrew took Bondita to his room which was the master bedroom of the mansion (u can see it upwards )
Andrew-have a seat baby
Bondita-ok love she said and they both adjusted themselves in a proper cuddling position and soon enough the servant came and gave them their royal breakfast
Bondita-lets eat love I am super hungry
Andrew-ya me too even I didn't eat my breakfast till now
Bondita-u didn't eat ur breakfast I thought u did
Andrew-how can I eat if u haven't eaten
Bondita-omg u are flattering me
Andrew-they are the truth though
Bondita-ok ok now we shall eat I am really hungry
Andrew-ok let's eat he said and started eating they were talking and feeding each other and just enjoying
After a while the breakfast finished and they both were cutely cuddling to each other
Andrew -yes baby
Bondita-I am getting bored
Andrew-do u wanna read a book
Bondita-yes I do
Andrew-ok so I am going to go get the book and also change my clothes into pjs and so should u ur clothes are inside baby
Bondita-ok babe
Andrew went to his and grabbed the book Cinderella as he knows Bondita is feeling fuzzy and whenever she feels fuzzy she likes to read Cinderella after getting the book he changed into some comfy pjs which y can see upwards and just think he isn't wearing the overcoat and so did Bondita changed they both were looking extremely cute
Bondita was under the sheets waiting for Andrew and after couple of minutes Andrew entered with the book and some gummies he locked the door and went inside the sheets and they got cuddled with each other
Andrew-do u want me to read u this book baby
Bondita-yes love I do
Andrew-ok baby lets start (Once upon a time bla bla bla )he was in the middle of the story when he felt something on his chest and he saw that Bondita slept and is snuggling on to him
Andrew-oh so u slept my love I promise u I will never let anyone hurt u it's my promise he said as he went into a deep slumber they both were looking extremely cute snuggling into each other

Hope u like it this is a pretty long chapter and I updated it today as a lot of u wanted it pls comment and vote
Ps love u

kya chunegi Bondita -anidita ya bondrew  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now