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So guys I just wanna say there are going to be some cause words in this chapter I am extremely sorry if I made u feel uncomfortable

Bondita and Andrew were kissing and this was seen by both Liam and Anirudh
Bondita and Andrew just broke the kiss and were drowning in each other's eyes
All of a sudden their eye contact was broken by Liam
Liam-ahm ahm
Both Bondita and Andrew's eyes went towards them and in their eyes u can see horror
Liam-ms Bondita u rejected my offer of going to get coffee with me but u are kissing a guy now in middle of the school
Anirudh-what will she say Liam she is a gold digger she is only with him for his money Listen Andrew let me give u a advice leave Bondita she is a slut be with someone else Andrew there are so many beautiful girls why in the world are u with this gold digger
Bondita-how could u say something like this to me do u understand the meanings of ur words do u fucking understand it she said shouting in rage The weather changed itself from a nice breezy weather to raining heavily while it's thundering
Liam-what wrong did Anirudh say Bondita I mean u are a slut u hang out with all guys
Andrew-just shut the fuck up do u fucking understand u motherfucker
Anirudh -oh I didn't knew Andrew that u could cause
Liam- I mean it's relevant for him to cause we just interrupted them in their kiss
Andrew-oh my god just shut the fuck up first of all Bondita is not a fucking slut and who in the world gave u the right to question her character like who the fuck are u wait let me tell u who u are u are degraded human whose mentality is smaller than the bone of their ear
Anirudh-look Bondita ur boyfriend is saving u U know what u always need a men in ur life to save urself because u can't save urself
Bondita-first of all I don't need a men I can stand up for myself and second of all Andrew is standing up for me because he is a gentlemen unlike u who is standing opposite to me and questioning my character
Liam-u know what Bondita u will never be anything without a men in ur life I mean u are using ur father now and after getting married to Andrew u will use his money cause u have no fucking talent
Bondita-oh shut the fuck up u son of a bitch I don't need him but he will always be in my life cause he is the one supporting me mentally and emotionally and listen my dream is to become the most powerful and successful barrister in the world and I will claim that tittle just wait and watch
Anirudh-u know Bondita pretty girls like u usually never have brains but u do that is a a tittle as well I mean u are the title beauty with brains
Liam -ya and pretty girls like u can never claim the title of being the best barrister in the world because that title is for the men
Bondita-stop saying the line beauty with brains the sentence beauty with brains clearly means u expected girls to be stupid and let me tell u girls are not at all stupid and second of all girls like me can accomplish any achievements that ugly men like u can do u understand she said as she and Andrew went to his car and Anirudh and Liam were more than happy cause they ruined their mood and they went to their individual house

In car
Andrew- sweet pea are u fine
Bondita-Andrew do u also think I am using u for money and If u think than I request pls don't think like that i request please she said while sobbing
Andrew- what are u saying Bondita have u gone crazy I will never think of u like that and please don't hung ur head in front of me Bondita u know u are my princess I love u
Bondita- promise me Andrew that u will never leave me she said In a cute baby tone
Andrew- ok promise Bondita he said while copying her baby tone
Bondita- ok
Andrew and Bondita joined their hands
Andrew-so where do u wanna go Bondita
Bondita-maybe to the ice cream shop
Andrew-no Bondita not the ice cream shop don't u know it's raining and if u eat ice cream while it's raining u can damage ur throat
Andrew- no ands no buts no ifs do u understand me Bondita please say something else except for this
Bondita-ok then let's go to the mall and we will also eat our lunch their
Andrew-ok let's go baby
Bondita and Andrew went to the the mall and they entered the mall while holding hands which u can see upwards
They first went to the Gucci store and bought themselves some clothes and than they went to a few more stores until Bondita said
Bondita-Andrew I am hungry can we go and eat please
Andrew-ok sure baby let's go
They both went to the food court and Andrew got himself a pizza while Bondita got herself a pasta they both were sharing their food and eating while some people were looking at them with fiery eyes and they were Liam's and Anirudh's team
Liam's table
Mia-omg look at Bondita she is such a slut
Avneet-ya look she said no to Liam but is eating pizza from my Andrew's hand
Tanya- hey what do u mean by my Andrew he is not urs he is mine and obviously he will be mine at last I am the most beautiful girl

Hope u all like it it's a pretty long chapter and pls comment and vote
Ps love u

kya chunegi Bondita -anidita ya bondrew  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now