Husband material

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Andrew and Bondita entered the school and the boys were looking at Bondita with lust in their eyes but when they saw Andrew with her they were jealous because Andrew was extremely extremely extremely handsome like the most handsome man in the world
The girls were also looking at Andrew with lust filled eyes I mean just think of a boy who is extremely handsome respects woman , is a feminist, and is the richest person in London and is also the lord of London he is just the most perfect person but he is only for our perfect Bondita The girls were looking at Bondita with fiery eyes like if eyes could radiate heat Bondita would be burned till now they were looking at her like this because she was with Andrew and she was the epitome of beauty and they all were jealous

Liam and Anirudh and their groups are talking and they both are friends but when Bondita arrived their reaction changed they both were gawking at her
Liam-she is so hot I will make her mine
Jeet-oh Liam ke bache bhabhi hai wo
Rohan-are din main sapne dekhta hai kya are teri bhabhi hai wo are mere baba ki diamond ki shop hai
Liam-oh really like anybody cares look she will obviously be mine I mean I have every qualities I am rich ,my father is a British officer and I most importantly am a Britisher
Shruti-have u seen the man she was with
Mia-ya he was the most handsome man ever
Tanya-and he is so rich
Avneet-and I also heard he is the lord of London and he is a feminist and respects woman very much
Shruti-he is the perfect husband material
Mia-he is rich, famous, handsome , cute, and respects woman
And they all looked at Andrew with lust filled eyes

Before anyone could speak the principal interrupted them by saying
Principal-so today we are just going to introduce ur self to the other people Andrew Bondita Rachel Mathew and Harry please come here

Bondita Andrew Harry Rachel and Mathew came and stood in front of the other two teams
Principal- so introduce ur self and say a thing that u are qualified with
All of them -ok sir
Principal-so why don't u start Andrew
Andrew-ya sure hi everyone I am Andrew Williams and I am a professional pianist and I do pretty good at playing the guitar
Principal-nice Bondita why don't u go next
Bondita-ok sir hi everybody I am Bondita Roy Choudhary I am a professional ballet and tap dancer and I can play the violin and piano pretty good as well
Principal-great and now everyone introduce ur selfs and after introducing ur selfs u all can leave
All of them - ok sir
The principal went away and they all started introducing themselves
Liam-hi I am Liam and I am rich
Bondita-well I mister Liam rich
Liam-oh no u are getting me wrong my name is just Liam I was expressing what I am great in and I am great in being rich
Avneet-yes he is very rich and hi I am avneet and I am the most popular girl in the whole school
Tanya-hi everyone I am Tanya israni I am the prettiest girl in school
Mia- hi everyone hi Andrew I am Mia and I am not like other girls she said with a fake being cute accent but failed miserably
Shruti-hi I am Shruti and I love playing basketball
Rachel-hi I am Rachel and I love beat boxing and break dancing

Like this everyone introduced themselves
Liam- so Bondita u are looking really beautiful he said to her while coming forward towards her
Bondita- thanks mr Liam she said in a normal but uncomfortable tone
Liam- ok I am not going to stretch it so will u like to go get coffee with me he said while trying to get closer to her
Bondita- mr Liam would u please mind moving a little far from me u are making me uncomfortable and thanks for asking but no I won't be able to go with u as I already have plans I am sorry she said being visibly discomfortable
Liam-oh are u seriously rejecting me
Bondita- see I can't accept ur offer because I am not comfortable with u so I am sorry and I also have plans with my friends
Liam-how dare u reject me
Andrew- don't u understand she is not comfortable and if u ere a nice guy just like u said earlier u would not have been forcing her and if she was comfortable she would have gone with u and when she is not nobody gives u any rights to force her do u understand
Liam- ohk than why was she smiling seeing me and if she is smiling seeing me than she is obviously comfortable
Andrew- first of all she smiled at u as a courtesy as it is a general courtesy and just because she agreed at the first half doesn't mean she agreed at the last half do u understand she or any girl has every right to back of at anytime when they don't feel comfortable around u
After saying this words everyone went to their own cars leaving only Bondita and Andrew their
Bondita- Andrew thank u for standing up for me
Andrew- why shouldn't I first of all we should take a stand for our women and second of all u are mine and only mine I will never let u go out from my life cause u are my life and I won't let my life go away from me
Bondita- u love me so much Andrew
Andrew- do u doubt
Bondita- no not at all
Andrew- good now can we go to my house
Before Andrew could complete his sentence Bondita put her lips on his and made it a lovely kiss where both of them are sharing their love and sorrow and between that Andrew bought Bondita close to him by pulling her by her waist ( u can see upwards)

Hope u all like it it's a really huge chapter and pls comment and vote
Ps love u

kya chunegi Bondita -anidita ya bondrew  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now