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One week later

Jimins pov

I walk into the bedroom and my eyes widen "Holy shit" I see blood all over the bed while jungkook is asleep on the bed.
I pout a little "oh my poor baby.." i walk to the bed and gently shake her shoulder "babygirl. Wake up"

She whines a little "20 minutes more mommy" I smile "after we've cleaned you up.." she gasps and then sits up quickly looking down. She tears up and blushes madly "I-I'm so sorry! These are white Sheets! I'm so so sorry!" she then winces a little

I smile and kiss her head "it's natural babygirl. Come on. I'm gonna run a bath for you and then while you're relaxing I'm gonna go change the sheets and get you a hot water bottle and some snacks" she looks at me and I run a hand through her hair "don't be embarrassed"

I help her out the her and chuckle a little "you're pajamas will need soaking" she looks down and blushes more. I lead her to the bathroom and then undress her, she whines a little "I-I'm really sorry.."

I gently peck her lips "you don't need to say sorry babygirl. This is natural" she sniffles a little and I then start to run her bath.

I grab a wash cloth and get it wet, I wipe her lower stomach with it getting all the blood off and I then gently rub the wash cloth over her lower half getting most of the blood off of her.

I chuck the wash cloth into the laundry basket and then turn the water off for the bath. I make sure it's the right temperature and then help her into the tub. She lays back in the tub and I kiss her head "you relax baby okay?" she nods a little

I walk out of the bathroom after grabbing her clothes and I then take the sheets off the bed. I walk down the stairs and then see a maid walking around "hey!" she looks at me and gulps. I walk to her "do not tell anyone else and wash these" She looks at the sheets "you've never been this heavy before ma'am"

I roll my eyes "Im not on my period" she gasps "oh I am so sorry!" she then rushes away to wash it all. I Walk around and grab some things for jungkook.

I walk back up into the room, I put new sheets on the bed and walk into the bathroom and gasp seeing jungkook out of the bath with a towel around her. She looks at me "d-do you want me to-" I huff "no I don't. I want you to relax"

She looks at me and I then put some sanitary towels and tampons on the counter, a hot water bottle. Some panties and one of my shirts which is huge on her. She looks at it "eonni-" I cut her off "you want the tampon or sanitary towel?" she picks up the sanitary towel

She then sorts herself out. I take the towel off of her and she then puts my button-up shirt on.
So she's just in panties and my button-up shirt..

She grabs the hot water bottle and walks out the bathroom and gasps a little seeing all the chocolate and snacks I got for her. Jungkook sits on the bed with her legs crossed, I sit on the edge of the bed "does it hurt?"

She puts the hot water bottle under the shirt on her belly and nods a little "a little. But I'm okay" i nod and then move so my back is against the headboard. She immediately moves next to me "d-don't you have a meeting today mommy?"

I shake my head "not anymore. I'm not forcing you to sit in a meeting for hours while in pain" I kiss her head and then wrap my arm around her resting my hand on her breast. She cuddles up to me more.

I feel her warm cheeks. I kiss her head "we're both women baby...its happened to me before, it's all okay. Don't be embarrassed" she looks up at me "i-I should have remembered..."

I sigh "stop feeling like this babygirl. Periods are natural and pretty much all girls go through them. Don't be embarrassed" she pouts "but you promised me that we would-" I nod "and we'll do it when you come off okay? We can't have sex while you're on your period"

She sighs "I know mommy" she leans her head on my chest and I then put a movie on and we watch it

My poor baby is gonna be in pain all week.
I'm taking this week off work to take care of her.
I have got to meet with another mafia leader on Wednesday..

Eh.. They can wait.
My girlfriend is in pain and she needs me here with her.

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