The Transplant

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Freddy parked his motorboat in the middle of the sewer.  He climbed up the sewer and came to a man-hole.  He was stuck there. 

     “I’m stuck here!’ he yelled.

     There was nothing he could do about IT.  He just had to wait.  He checked his watch, but he couldn’t see what was on IT.  He got very worried. 

     “Watch, what time is it?” he asked.

     “IT”S NOON,” it said.

     Freddy got really worried.  So it was noon, and there was nothing he could do about it.  But wait.

     Work starts at 12:45 today, so it was okay.  He just had to make it over as fast as possible. 

     He started running, through the sewer, in circles, not knowing what he was doing, and he was clearly worried.  He ran and ran for ten minutes, at which point he got clearly tired and collapsed on the ground. 

     He reached up for the manhole cover, but he couldn’t touch it.  This really bothered him.  He tried and tired.  Nothing happened, he couldn’t move.

     Suddenly the manhole cover lifted up.  It was like magic.  Freddy also now felt stronger.  He climbed up out of the manhole and felt like a new man. 

     “I am a new man,” he said.

     And he was.  Literally. He was.  He began walking through the front doors.


     And then a bunch of robot police came flying in.  They were really angry, and there was nothing that could be done to quench their anger unless a chief of police came to save him.

     The chief of police, Johnson, walked by, he said,


     And he did.  He zapped all the robot flying police and he was able to get Freddy to safety.

     “Now Freddy,” said the officer.  “Don’t you ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever again, ever again come to work without your ID badge.” 

     “I lost mine,” said Freddy.

     “Well something needs to be done about that.” The officer was extremely worried.  “But I will do that something.”

     And he did.  He walked to the front desk.

     Freddy looked at the sexy lady at the front desk.  She was really sexy.  He was really surprised.  They stared at each other for a very long time.

     The lady at the front desk finally ventured to ask.  “What’s wrong?”

     “This gentleman has not got an ID,” said the officer.

     “Well something needs to be done about that.”

     “Well, what do you want me to do?”

     “Get him a new ID badge at the ID badge department.”

     Freddy walked away, with the police officer, backwards, staring at the lady like he had done the entire time.  “What’s your name?” she asked. 

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