First Attack of the Robot Police

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“Freddy, we need to talk.”

     “You mean, Johnson, we need to talk.” Johnson was in a really good mood, but for some strange reason he wanted to get back to throwing beer bottles around all over the place.

     “Okay, Johnson, we need to talk.”

     “What’s up?”

     “Firstly, the robots in the police force all have bugs, you know that, right?”


     “Well, I don’t know why, and everything’s been getting buggy lately.  You found out that the glasses can read people’s minds, too, right?”


     “Well, if there ever is a bug with the glasses, and if there ever is a wireless connection between the glasses and the police, we’re doomed.”


     “What you have to do is make sure that the police never make that connection.  You know Emily, right?”


     “Well, Emily is trying to set that connection up.  I’ve been spying on her, for quite some time, and she knows that somebody’s done some stuff to stop her but she hasn’t been able to figure out who yet.  She thinks glasses work perfectly, she literally uses them all the time.  But they don’t work perfectly, they make tons of mistakes just like everything else these days.”


     Emily started using her glasses to record this conversation from the back room.  She had already been listening, but this was getting interesting.  Who knows what else could be said.

     She was getting a call from Glasses Incorporated, but she put it on hold.  This just got real.


     “So what do you want me to do?”

     “I want you to pretend this conversation never happened, I want you to make sure that she never finds out that we have bad blood with her.”    

     “Right on.”

     “I want you to become a friend.  A really close friend, and then she’ll tell you everything about her secret plans.  Then you’ll be able to stop her, once you know everything about her.”



     So Freddy had an inside scoop.  That was why he was stupid enough to mess up and get arrested, to talk to Johnson, of course.


     “There’s a hidden secret pattern in the police code that only I know,” said Freddy.  “You must activate it in two weeks for the robots to be shut down completely.”

     “Why would I want to do that?” said Johnson.

     “They put me in jail!  For no reason!  That’s messed up!  Something needs to be done about that!”

     “Okay.  Well, why can’t I activate it now?”

     “Because the code isn’t finished compiling.  IT’s taking a while for the code to compile.  It’s in the compile stage, at least.  The system for the robots is very vast.  Once it goes through the compiler, which will take at least another week, it will have to go through the linker, which will take a few days too.”

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