We meet the Sheriff

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Freddy made it to work late – again.

     The Principal Investigator was not impressed.

     “Freddy, why are you late?”


     “No, really.”

     No response.

     “All right, well, you’re gonna have to work twice as fast.”

     The police and GASSY worked together on occasions like security breaches of GASSY and helping to fix robot glitches that the police wanted GASSY to fix.  There probably wasn’t gonna be a problem unless GASSY noticed one.


     Emily couldn’t find anything on Freddy, not even where he lived.  It was like his records had been erased.  Indeed, they had been.


     Freddy started building the practice spaceship.  Right now he was being trained.  It was really difficult for him, because this was all hardware.  He was a software kinda guy.  This was gonna be realy weird.  He had to get used to the new life, the better life.  Only now, he really wasn’t sure it was much better.  The problem was, that things were gonna be really difficult learning things and dodging the police. 

     Things were going to get much worse in a few days.


     Emily was going to have a meeting with the CEO of Glasses Inc. in any minute now.  They were gonna discuss some serious business.


     Freddy was working more on the ship.  It was getting really boring, until he saw…

     The woman of his dreams.  Like, literally, the woman of his dreams.  He had always had dreams about this woman, but he never knew why.  She was very beautiful, but as soon as he went over to talk to her, he would wake up as soon as he tapped her on the shoulder.  Also, when he would wake up, he wouldn’t be able to remember what she looked like. 

     But she was here, right now. 


     “Okay, boss.”

     Emily looked concerned.  Something was obviously wrong.

     “I was able to record a conversation between the chief of police and Freddy, a prisoner who has now escaped.  Something is wrong, because they talked about dismantling the robots.”

     “Well, they are out of date, right?  I’d expect they’d get updated before we connect the glasses.”

     “Good point, and there’s a huge amount of code that can stop the robots from functioning.  Maybe if we update the robots the code won’t work.”

     The Sheriff of the town swooped in on his helicopter.

     “Emily, you’re under arrest.”

     “But Emily is talking to me.”

     “Be lucky you’re not under arrest too.”


     Freddy stepped up to the plate, the processing plate.  He finally was going to do something he was good at.  The people there were treating him like he didn’t know anything. 

     “I know how to do this,” yelled Freddy, and he started typing at top speed.

     “No, you idiot, you don’t know what it really is supposed to do yet.”

Freddy is not GASSYWhere stories live. Discover now