Chapter 3

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The Kayano family entered the room. The physical presence of their youngest daughter resulted in whispers to fly across the room.

Yumi was dressed in a red dress, accessorized with a red bow tied in her hair. The outfit matched her ruby eyes and complimented her snow white colored hair.

"You have made quite an impression, Yumi-sama," Mine complimented. She wore a black suit with her black hair slicked and tied back in a pony tail. The attire of a body guard. That was her role for the party.

"You flatter me, NeNe-chan," Yumi chuckled, "You look sharp as well." The two laughed and they stayed near each other. Whenever they had the chance, they played rock, papper, scissors to pass the time. It was all they could think of. It helped make the party less boring for them. They returned to their formal roles when someone interacts with Mayumi.

"Miss Mayumi, it's a pleasure to see you in person again. I take it that you have recovered?"

"Miss Mayumi, I am sorry for your loss and experience. I am glad you have returned."

Everyone greeted Mayumi formally and she returned the same. Whenever they inquired about....the incident.....She would apologize, "My apologizes, this is a difficult topic for me. I would appreciate it if we don't speak about it so casually."

Of course, they all apologized for their carelessness. Mayumi took deep breaths to calm herself down from the building anxiety.

"You're doing well, Yumi-sama," Mine praised, "It seems that you don't need my help."

"Oh, no, your presence makes me feel safe," Yumi confessed, "It takes away the pressure."

"I'm sure you'll do fine even without me," Mine noticed her her father's signal, "Your father is calling for you."

Mayumi came to her father's side. The Kayano family were standing in front the the Akashi family. Mayumi stared at her red-haired classmate. It has been awhile since she saw him formally. He wore a white suit with a red tie, similar to his father attire.

"Miss Mayumi," Akashi's father greeted, "It is wonderful to see you again. It occurs to me that you and my son attend the same school, is that true?"

She nodded, "Yes, we are in the same class and are in student council together. I also am a manager of the basketball team he's in."

"I see, how did you do on the exams?"

"I placed second, right after your son."

The corner of his lip curved up. If she remembers correctly, Akashi's father likes to boast about winning and being on the top. "Like father, like son," she thought comparing the man to her classmate.

The adults dismissed her and Akashi as they discuss about business deals and plans. They were told to simply socialize together.

"You're nervous," he observed.

Mayumi tired to hide the true reason behind her nerves, "It's just been a while since I attended a formal event."

Akashi's plain expression didn't change with her answer. He replied nothing and started walking away.

His leave somewhat offended her. "Am I not interesting enough to keep a conversation?!" She quietly scoffed at his rudeness, "At least make up some excuse to leave....tch." She began to walk away in the opposite direction.

"You're supposed to follow me."

His comment turned her attention back at him, "What?"

He grabbed her arm and escorted her to follow him, "My father said to keep you company as a kind gesture of your return."

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