Chapter 36

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Taro laughed rolling out his shoulder coming to practice again, "Who's up for round 2?"

"Taro-senpai!! Yumicchi!" Kise happily greeted the two.

Mayumi went to the captain, "Seijūrō," she gave a bag to him, "my mom told me to give this to you, what is it?" She wasn't allowed to open the bag. Despite her curiosity, she obeyed and didn't peek.

He looked inside and grinned, "I'll tell you later." He said the same thing the last time she questioned him.

"Eh? Why not now? Does it have to do with the call you made yesterday? Was it my mom? It would make sense why she prepared that bag for you, but what is it?"

He put the bag down and pulled her away from it before she can peek in, "You're very perceptive, it was your mother." He chuckled, "But I'm not telling you everything just yet."


The two teams scrimmaged against each other again. The teamwork improved immensely after just one day.

But they were not prepared for the unexpected. After Taro passed the ball to the wing, he slid under Akashi like a baseball player sliding to his base. The moment he passed under he jumped up for an alley-oop with Hyūga.

"That actually worked....." the Seirin player was shocked. Everyone was shocked from the abstract play.

"I told you!" Taro patted Hyuga's back, "Nice pass!" He patted Akashi's on his way to the other side, "You need to open your eyes more."

His eyes......That reminded Yumi, what happened to the emperor eye? The sharp eyes that see every movement, that see the future? Since he didn't have it, he couldn't steal the ball like he used to. But could he still get its function without it? His case can compare to her kinetic vision of her bloodlust eyes.

"Taro-nii-san, switch with Takao-kun," Yumi told her brother, "Taunt Seijūrō with your dribbling."

Taro refused, "I don't taunt."

She should've picked a better choice of words, "Mark with him and try to not let him steal the ball. Be creative with it." Her brother seemed to agree to that.

Yumi wanted to see how skillful those eyes were monochromatic.

Taro kept the ball away from Akashi. So, he can't steal the ball like he used to. The other, absolute Akashi would've already stole it. The real Akashi seemed to specialize in perfect passes and rhythmic plays.

Her brother pivoted rolling the basketball down his arm and flicking it to the open wing, "Wakamatsu!" They got a point.

Coach Aida laughed and praised, "You are one interesting basketball player, Frosty!"

Some laughter came out of Yumi's mouth from the nickname. in Frosty the Snowman.......the perfect nickname.

"Frosty?! Do I look like a snowman to you?! Yumi-chan, stop laughing at your nii-san!" He yelled at her.


"What?!" Taro yelled at Akashi taking his sister with him.

"Your mother already approved," he showed the bag, "She even packed extra clothes."

Clothes?! Yumi grabbed the bag and looked inside, it was her clothes. Before she could say anything, Akashi pushed her to his car, "Don't worry, aniki," he went in after her, "I won't do much."

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