Chapter 24

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Yumi and Mine were out shopping for Christmas gifts. She decided to also get small gifts for the student council and the basketball team.

Something caught her eye, a crimson colored tie. The red, slightly pink color of the tie perfectly matched the hair color of the person she though of.

"Should I....." Yumi shook her head and walked away from it. She can't give a thoughtful gift to him when they weren't together. Although..... they both revealed to have romantic feelings toward each other.

But this gift wasn't that thoughtful, it was just a tie. Yumi glanced back at the potential gift. It would be rude to not get a gift for him. She gritted her teeth as she convinced herself to get the tie for him.


She and the other members of the student council were decorating the ballroom for the winter party. Of course, the president wasn't there as he didn't know about it.

Now that she and Akashi made up, she somewhat felt guilty about going behind his back for approving this party. But the students of Razukan deserve it.

The only thing is.....the party was on his birthday, December 20th. The uncrowned kings told her when they found out it. The guilt only built more finding that out.

"Okay, that settles it!" Yumi clapped her hands clean after everything was set up.

"Kayano-chan," The secretary started to ask her, "What will you be wearing for the party?"

Yumi quietly laughed, "I.....won't be going?"

The student council looked at her appalled, "What? Kayano-chan, you helped us make this happen! You have to attend!"

The vice president put her hands up in surrender, "I have to make sure Akashi doesn't find out about this party!'s his birthday."

The chairman stuttered, "H-His today?" Yumi nodded to confirm.

It's like their souls were leaving their bodies, "We're having party behind his back......on his birthday......"

Yumi quickly assured them, "It's okay! I'll keep him away from the school! You guys are safe!"

"Arigatou, Kayano-chan!" They all bowed to her.


Akashi softly smiled seeing the girl at his front step, "Mayumi, I'm surprised you're visiting me."

She was surprised as well. Her laugh hid her nervousness, "Happy birthday, Akashi. I know that we're uh......healing, but I'm not one to ignore a special day. So, um.....what do you want to do today?"

To her disappointment, all he wanted to do was stay in his house. He went riding in the morning, and now he was playing shogi.

She admitted, she wanted to be at the party she helped planned. If she knew when his birthday was before setting the date, she wouldn't have agreed to have it today.

Hearing Akashi's chuckle got her attention, "What's so funny?"

He landed a checkmate against Mayumi, "It's amusing to watch you regret your own actions.....planning this Winter formal without my approval."

"He knew?!" Mayumi mentally screamed, "How did you find out?!" She planned it carefully, the announcement was only by a note placed in everyone's report card, except Akashi's. Mayumi made sure of it.

"You were delusional to think I wouldn't find out. Kotarō cannot keep secrets," Akashi revealed how he found out, "Of course, unless I tell him to."

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