Chapter 12

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Kayano Mayumi

Mayumi flushed in red recalling how she fell asleep. How could a simple heartbeat put her to sleep?! And out of all people, it was Akashi's?!

After the next day of training camp the team went shopping for dinner. "Nebuya, you already had your day to pick the dinner menu!" Higuchi yelled at the muscular player who was putting a lot of meat in the cart.

"Akashi's tofu soup isn't sufficient to build muscle! There must be meat!"

"Tofu has protein in it! It works just as well!"

Yumi left the arguing duo behind and kept walking, following Akashi and Mibuchi. Her eyes wandered around looking for something she might want. Suddenly she walked into Akashi's back.

Akashi looked back at her over his shoulder. The corner of his lips slightly curved up and he kept walking.

Mibuchi merrily sighed, "Ah, Sei-chan! It's delightful to see an affectionate side of you!" He put his hand on Yumi's back to get her walking, "Now, now, Yumi-chan, no need to be shy! I'll leave you two alone!"

The entire team believes that she in a relationship with the emperor she despises!! "Akashi!" She hit him, "Why aren't you correcting them?! They think-"

"How come you're not denying it?" He asked back.

Yumi facepalmed, "I have been! They don't believe me and call me cute and adorable for it! It's all because you called me 'your empress!' Although, I'm flattered, to be addressed having such power equal to yourself, they're completely convinced we're in a relationship!"

Akashi smirked, "So you're saying that I have the power over this, and have control over you." He grabbed a strand of Yumi's snow-white hair, "My empress."

Her eyebrow twitched at the conformity of the situation. "You stupid, careless.....Bakashi!" She shouted the only thing coming to her angered mind. It fueled more hearing other customers comment on the couple.

"How cute, playfully bickering with each other."

"Couples these days, always flirting and fighting."

Yumi turned and walked away, "I'm going.... somewhere where I cannot see you and that stupid orange eye." She tried her best to avoid the crimson emperor as much as possible.

At the inn, she sat out in the patio to breathe fresh air. That damn emperor, not correcting his teammates of a misunderstanding making them think he's in a relationship with her. For what? To show power and dominance over her?! If he's obsessed with victory, then he shouldn't be wasting his time playing with a person's heart.

Mayumi froze her thoughts. Was she admitting to have feelings for.....she shook her head.

"Daydreaming about me?" Akashi voice came out.

"EEEK!" Yumi jumped up from his sudden presence. "No! As if I daydream about you! There are more suitable men for me!"

"So you were thinking I'm not suitable for you?"

Yumi stammered being taken off guard, "I- errr...." Was she thinking that?

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He spoke in her ear, "No man is more suitable for you than me."

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