Chapter 16

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Mine was joyous finally hearing her best friend finally accept her feelings, but at the same time she was concerned about how she felt with....the entire situation between them. Yumi wished not to talk about it. She didn't want to be constantly reminded of it.

"Do you want me to help you stay away from him?"

Yumi considered it, "Yeah, I would like that." Maybe not seeing him was the best option for now.

Although.....It was already hard to avoid him being in the same activities and class. The day just started and she was already next to him as her vice president desk was beside his president one.

Mayumi tried to her best to act normal. "Just act like how you were with him before! Nothing changed! Well.....something changed. But don't make it obvio-"

"You're too obvious, Mayumi."

"I MADE IT OBVIOUS!" Mayumi stiffed up. "What?" She asked innocently. Although, she knew well enough that he would know everything.

A slight smirk appeared on his face. This was the first time after a while to see some sort of smile from him, "It seems that I've won."


Her body froze when he stood behind her and pulled her hair back. She sensed that he leaned towards her ear, "I have won your heart, haven't I, my dear empress?"

Of course Akashi saw through her, he is absolute by knowing everything. Mayumi had to get away before her heart exploded, "Oh, look at the time! We have to go to class!" She bolted out the door.

Akashi Seijūrō

He won.

"But who lost?" His emperor side questioned, "She still won."

"It's still a win for you," the real Akashi emphasized, "You haven't lost anything."

The idea that he won her heart despite never having a competition put a grin on his face. He tighter the tie of his uniform and left the student council room to go to his class, where his empress would be.

Kayano Mayumi

Yumi mentally groaned at her blown cover. It was hopeless, Akashi would've noticed eventually.

She texted Mine in hopes to be rescued. Who knows what he'll do now that he knows?!

But she still wondered, did he reciprocated her feelings? He specified his words, he won. As if this was another game for him to win. Did he care for her? Or did he care about his absolute victory? Which one was it?

When it was break, she sensed at the emperor was coming to her. How was she going to escape him without making a scene?!

"YUMI-SAMA!" Mine bursted in the classroom and grabbed Yumi, "There's someone in my class that wants your advice in archery! Let's go!" Mine pulled her away. Yumi escaped her encounter with Akashi thanks to her. How grateful her nerves were for that.

"Kayano-san, I really want to see your archery skills!" A member of the kyūdō club told her, "How come you haven't joined?"

Yumi scratched her head, "I initially just wanted to focus on student council and contributing to my family's business."

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