Chapter 47

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The end of the school year came around quickly. The uncrowned kings graduated. They all bid the team a goodbye.

"Don't miss us too much!" Hayama hid his tears.

Nebuya patted everyone's back, avoiding any hug for it might make him burst into tears.

Mibuchi wasn't afraid to show his emotions, "A painful ending is just a disguise for a new beginning...."

"That was beautifully said, Mibuchi-senpai," Yumi complimented. She revealed her parting gift to add to the poetical meaning, "I made dark chocolates for you all. A bittersweet taste to match the moment."

Hayama broke, "Yumi-chan!!!!" He hugged the beloved manager, "I'm going to miss you and your cooking and your chocolates!"

Mibuchi gracefully accepted the gift, "You are too kind, Yumi-chan!" He nudged Nebuya, "Just release it."

Nebuya finally cracked, "Awwww, dang it!" His eyes watered like a waterfall and he pouted like a puppy. The strongest man on the team turned out to be the biggest sweetheart under all that muscle.

Hayama and Yōta were having their own moment. "Hayama-senpai, what am I going to do without you?!"

"Don't fret, my brilliant disciple! I have faith in you!"

"Hai! I won't let you down!" They both hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

Akashi showed his gratitude for his teammates, "Arigatou, for everything you've done for this team. My captainship wouldn't be what it is without you guys."

The former vice captain was moved, "Aww, Sei-chan!!!" He pulled him into a hug, "Yumi-chan's kindness is rubbing off on you! I hope your relationship lasts forever!!!"

Hayama emotionally joined the hug. Yōta followed suit. This lead the team to do one final group hug. Nebuya being the last one to join lifted them all up, "Muscle group hug!"


With her second-year done, Yumi couldn't help but think how fast time had flown by. She and Akashi kept the tradition of making chocolates on her birthday and on White Day. But it was last year- no, now two years ago when they're were essentially enemies on the same side of the war.

But it was just last year when Sakura was still moving like it was her prime youth. Now, day by day her health visibly deteriorated. There was nothing she could do, this was just nature taking its course. But.....there was a painful hint to that truth.

Her phone rang very early in the morning, "Moshi moshi?"

"Yumi-sama," it was Mizu's voice, "It's Sakura."


Yumi arrived at the stables as fast as she could, "Where is she?!"

"She's at the start of the trail." The caretaker told her. Before the rider rushed out, he gave her the bridle, "She wants to go somewhere. I think you'll know where."

Yumi took the bridle having an idea of what her horse wanted. She found her horse where Mizu told her. She was at the start of the trail. Kameko was beside her. It seemed they were having a conversation.......why did it look heartbreaking?

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