Chapter 38

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Kayano Mayumi

"Thank you," she thanked the front desk. Akashi suddenly appeared when she turned around, "EEEK! What are you doing here?!"

"Let's go sit." He didn't even answer her question!

After they sat Akashi addressed, "What you did to Kagami was similar to my first encounter with him in the Winter Cup."

After he explained the encounter Mayumi argued, "At least what I said made sense. You were fantasizing about absolute victory." Speaking about him, "I thought you knew better. Why did you allow Mura-kun to play?!"

"I made a deal with him privately," he told her, "I would've taken him here after the match. You just beat me to it."

She blinked. So that's why he's here, he planned too be here anyway. "I guess that's fine......" she mumbled.

He chuckled seeing past her act, "You wanted to be mad at me."

It does distract her from another thing on her mind. A slight blush came to her cheeks just addressing it.

He tucked a strand of her snow-white hair behind her ear, "This behavior is rather adorable of you."

Adorable? Since when did he start seeing her anger as a joke? She faced away from him refusing to talk to him.

They stayed silent for a long moment. Mayumi became curious as to why Akashi hasn't commented anything yet. She glanced back only to catch him staring with a smug expression.

She took a sharp breath turning away again. He caught her glancing. Heck, he was expecting it. If they were having a battle of patience, he would've won.

His finger brushed against her cheek. The contact made her glance at him again. His arm snuck around her shoulder and pulled her in. He kissed her forehead, "Feel better?"

Heat came up to Mayumi's cheeks from the sudden action. Of course she didn't feel better after that, she felt more flustered. Akashi probably knew that.

"Akachin?" Murasakibara came back from seeing the doctor, "You still came?"

At his arrival, Yumi instantly took Akashi's arm off her and collected herself together. However, she couldn't find her ability to speak.

"I made a deal with you didn't I?" Akashi reminded his teammate, "What did the doctor say?"

Murasakibara showed his cast, "My arm is fractured."

She finally found something to ask, "How long will you have the cast?"

"She mentioned mid-August." It was the beginning of July. That was about a 6-8 week healing period.

"That'll work," She heard Akashi say. For what? Were they planning a rematch? At least this time Murasakibara will be fully healed. Akashi stood up and told Murasakibara, "As promised, I'll pay for your appointment."

Mayumi blinked. He's paying for his appointment? "That's actually quite sweet of you, Seijūrō."

He chuckled pulling out his wallet, "Not entirely." There was a black card. "I need to meet a certain requirement." Of course there was some benefit to Akashi.

More importantly, he's a black card holder?! It's not surprising, he is rich. Everyone else in Yumi's family has one. She doesn't yet. They're waiting till she gets to college so she can meet the spending requirement. Right now she's just building her credit to meet that requirement. How did Akashi already meet those requirements at such a young age?!

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