Chapter 45

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Mayumi walked up to the beached Kaijō player, "You played well today." She saw him sniffing, "Why are you crying, Kise-kun?"

He rubbed arm over his eyes, "I wanted to win....Gomen, dammit, Hayakawa-senpai this is your fault! You made me emotional!"

Their captain was bawling from their lost, "Urusai!"

Their sadness from losing prompted her to comfort them. She used her sleeve to wipe Kise's tears, "Daijoubu, you worked hard to get to where you are now." She said things that could cheer him up, "Your Zone during the last quarter was really impressive. I think you increased your fanbase."

Kise just stared at her as if he was living in nostalgia. He gave a soft laughed, "For a second you looked like Tomo-nee....." He stood up and hugged her, "Arigatou, Yumi-chan."

She hugged him back glad to cheer him up, "No problem." Noticing the pouting Kaijō captain, she extended her arm, "You want to join the hug? It'll make you feel better." He jumped into the hug continuing to cry trapping Yumi inside the group hug.


Mayumi couldn't wear her team jacket anymore. It was covered in Kaijo's snot and tears. After she put the dirty jacket in her bag, another clothing was tossed onto her.

It was Akashi's long-sleeve tee, "It's cold today, I don't want you to get sick."

Once she put it on, the team headed to watch Seirin and Tōō go against each other. Last year, Tōō lost in the first round against them. Now that they're against each other again, will the same fate occur?

"Seijūrō, who do you think will win?" The question meant to be of pure curiosity. It quickly became reminiscent from last year.

Surprisingly his answer was the same, "Tōō. Aomine seemed to return to his previous stature. He may be the strongest among us once again."

Aomine did seem to be more of a fearsome opponent than last year. The main change was the mentality. Thank's to Kuroko, he became more of an appreciative player in her opinion.

One thing about his answer did surprise her, "Stronger than you?"

"He was the first to unlock his skills," Akashi revealed, "I never competed against it."

She blinked, "So we don't know if he can beat you?"

Hayama overhead and worried along side the manager, "You're telling me there's a chance we might lose again?!"

Commotion brought the team's attention onto the court. Aoimine was in the zone.....but it wasn't the normal Zone. Everyone could tell it was the Direct Drive Zone like Kagami.

Hayama nudged the captain anxiously, "Please say you have that Zone thing up your sleeve."

Akashi confessed, "I don't."

"We're screwed!"

Yumi assured him, "No we're not!"


It was a very close game. They tied and had to go to overtime. Whoever made the next basket was automatically the winner. Aomine entered the Direct Drive Zone again and Tōō intensely played for their winning basket.

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