Chapter 25

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Kayano Mayumi

When the blazer was taken off Mayumi's face after being put down, she realized she was in the gym. Her mind finally came back to reality, "W-What the heck was that?! What were you thinking?! I thought you were actually going to-"

Akashi leaned his face to the same distance he did back in the party, "Did you want me to actually do it?"

With his face so close to hers, she couldn't utter a sound. He leaned away, "I won't force you into anything."

Hearing that from him was relieving for her. But she needed to know, "Are we........official?"

"We can be if you want," he answered, "Do you want to?"

She mistakenly brought that question upon herself. "I-I haven't given it much of a thought," she tried to avoid answering.

His hand tucked a strand of her behind her, "I'll wait."

It felt like the world has stopped spinning from the slight touch. She couldn't stop staring at how different his eyes were now. A sound caught her attention, something was.....getting louder. "Do you hear that?"

They both looked at the door. A trail of dust flew in with a voice shouting, "AKASHI SEIJŪRŌ!" Mine kicked at the crimson haired man.

Akashi grabbed her ankle to deflect. The moment he did, Mine twisted her body midair. It caught him off guard and made him move away.

"Yumi-sama!" Mine disregard the man she just kicked, "Are you alright? He's going to pay for taking your first kiss like that!"

"I'm fine, NeNe-chan," Yumi assured her, "Don't worry, we didn't kiss. He just covered us with the blazer and our faces were-"

Mine finished for her, "Really, really close? Still an invasion of your personal bubble!"

Akashi brushed himself off, "I commend you for catching me off guard. You learned from last time-"

Suddenly a voice echoed in the gym, "Akashi Seijūrō!"

Yumi trembled at the sight of the talk dark figure at the gym doors. His hair was floating with the angry aura surrounding him. "Mibuchi-senpai, everything is-"

Her friend interrupted her, "Let it happen, Yumi-sama. Let it happen......"

Mibuchi stomped to his captain, "I believed that you were gentleman......then you break Yumi-chan's heart and now you take her first kiss? You have proved me wrong.....You know nothing about treating a lady."

They all waited for what the vice captain was going to do. The dark aura faded away to reveal a motherly aura, "You need a good scolding!" He began to lecture and scold Akashi about what he did wrong and how he should treat a lady.

Mine dropped her jaw, "That's it?! That demonic aura was just for show!"

Yumi rolled her eyes knowing her friend wanted some violence to satisfy her sadism, "I'm sorry for your disappointment." Yumi saw someone peek in the gym and recognized him, "Who's that?"

She peeked a glance at the door and saw him, "No one! He's just a friend!"

"So is that the boyfriend your classmates teased about?"

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