Chapter 34

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Kayano Mayumi

The snow-white haired raised herself on her elbows realizing it was morning. As she fully sat up, she felt weight on her waist. Lifting the blanket, she finally became aware of her position.

She just slept with Akashi.

Before she jumped away, the arm pulled her down. Akashi was on top of her, "What's wrong?" There was a smug look on his face.

"You!" Mayumi answered trying to push him off, "You took advantage of me and slept with me!"

"I did nothing of the sort," Akashi told her, "Before I set a pillow between us you pulled me in. How was I to be rude to wake you up?"

Her face flushed, "You-"

His face leaned down on hers, "I haven't gotten a morning kiss yet."

"I-I-I might still be sick!" She tried to reason out.

His pinned her down on the bed and closed the gap, "I don't care."


Everyone tensed up once Akashi arrived. "Did something happen?" She read the environment.

"Nothing you need to know about," Akashi told her.

After breakfast, Momoi stood up, "I know what we can do today!" She asked Mayumi, "Do you have any hobbies?"


"I can'!" Momoi struggled drawing the arrow. Momoi thought it'll be nice to know Mayumi through what she did. The entire group was at the archery range.

Kuroko's arrow didn't fly and fell on the ground, "I missed."

"We can see that," Kagami told him.

Kise actually hit the edge of the target, "Woah! Yumicchi, I did it! Ne, how good are you? I want to see you shoot!"

Yumi chuckled, "Are you sure you want to see that?"

Momoi finally released her arrow and fell back. Her arrow was off target but a strong breeze came in. Miraculously it landed on the bullseye. "I did it!"

"No, you didn't, that was a lucky shot!" Aoimine exclaimed.

"Yumicchi, show us how's its done!" Kise begged.

Akashi gave her a quiver and a bow, "Put them in their place," he whispered.

Mayumi smirked and drew an arrow from the quiver. She stayed where she stood and shot at every target on the range hitting the bullseye on all of them. She moved herself in front of Momoi's target and carefully aimed. Her arrow split the previous one.

Everyone was stunned.

Momoi made the connection, "So you're the reason why Razukan has perfect aim!"

Yumi nodded, "I helped them improve their aiming."

Kise wondered, "Say......Midorimacchi also has good aiming.....who has the better aim?"

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