Chapter 49

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The student council cried for their leaders graduating.

"Who's going to be the next president and vice president?!"

"What are we supposed to do without you guys?!"

"How are we supposed to function?!"

The chaos was already accumulating and they haven't officially graduated yet, it was just the last day of the school year.


Mayumi performed the kyūdō club ritual shooting at each target down the line. As expected, all bullseye.

"I don't think anyone will beat your record," the vice captain told her.

Arrogance was poured into her reply, "That's the plan." Of course she had to be supportive of the future generation, but she took full pride in her perfected skill. No one was going to beat her record.....not for a long time.


The basketball club was also sad to see their third years go. Well......they cried over Mūn and Yumi. More so, Yumi. Being kinder to them and less intimidating really made them emotionally attached.

"You made the grueling experience so much better!" Yōta cried hugging her.

Akashi firmly questioned, "Grueling?" The second year froze and sweated in his nerves. Akashi stopped the intimidation and patted his back, "I'm trusting the team to you."

Yōta stood tall, "Hai! I won't let you down!"


Akashi was sour about Mayumi not wanting to live with him at his house. "Living with you is completely different than sleeping over," Mayumi explained, "It doesn't seem appropriate unless we're-"

"Then let's get married." So straight to the point! "You already said 'yes.'"

He was talking about the one time- "That doesn't count! You didn't properly propose!"

A smirk appeared on his face, "Then do you want me to?"

She stammered, "No but- yes but- not now!" Marriage just seemed too big and grand of a life change to do right after high school......and the romantic tie was too much to bear. But oh how he loved pushing the topic on her.


While they were packing up, Mine asked, "So you're living in an apartment with other girls?"

Yumi nodded, "The apartment is actually for students of UTokyo, but unlike the single roomed dorms we get roommates. I thought it'll be nice to meet other people." The thought of living alone in the dorm sounded lonely to her.

Aki sat beside her. "What about Aki?" Mine asked.

"She'll stay with Akashi." Yumi petted the black colored pitbull.

"And your roommates? Have you met them?"

"I've only seen their profiles." She began to briefly describe her roommates, "There's an art major, a photography major, and a literature composition major."

Mine hummed, "Sounds like a nice mix." She packed her kendo sword. It was a new one Hiro gave her. It was a parting gift but also an award for earning a scholarship.

Yumi hugged her best friend, "I told you you'd get it!" An idea popped in her mind, "NeNe-chan how about you and I go out? Spend some quality time together before we leave tomorrow!"

The rest of the day the two childhood friends went around town doing anything they wanted. Some of the things they did were nostalgic, like getting taiyaki from this one kiosk downtown.

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