Chapter 13

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She was unconscious.......It felt awkward, seeing her mom in person again after 2 years. Her pure snow-white hair laying elegantly on the pillow. She was bandaged up from her injuries, and her broken foot was elevated by sling attached to the ceiling. She hadn't woken up her since the accident.

The Kayano's stayed at her house, as it her husband who provided it in the first place. Yumi's parents still cared for each other, as they never divorced, but her mom moved out.

How the guilt weighed on the young girl knowing she was the reason why her mom left.

At the time, Yumi couldn't maintain that killer instinct of hers and kept having that bloodlust look in her eyes. Especially at her mother as she looked exactly like her eldest daughter, Tomo. Pure snow-white hair and beautiful rose colored eyes.

Every time Yumi looked at her mother, she remembered her sister.....and everything that happened to her. Every time, the flashbacks would come in and thus the color of her eyes turn bloody red as her killer instinct took over. She wanted to kill everyone, that was what she felt at the moment of the incident.

With so much time that passed, Yumi had learned to get past over her trauma. Of course, she hasn't fully moved on yet. She just needed time.......more time.

Mine walked out to the balcony joining her best friend in the cool night, "Are you okay, Yumi-sama?"

"When okaasan wakes up," Yumi spoke her mind, "Do you think she'll want to see me?"

Mine leaned on the rail, "I know she'll want to see your ruby orbs again eventually. Do you want to see her? When she's awake, that is?"

"I don't know," Yumi sighed, "I mean, I want to see badly. But, I'm not sure if I'm ready."

"It's been three years since the incident. Two since your mother left, you healed a lot over that period of time."

"But is it enough?" Yumi worried, "What if I look at my mom and see my sister and......that disgusting side of mine overtakes me? Yes, I gotten better at controlling myself, but I never practiced the real thing...."

Mine pointed out, "You do fine when you look at Taro-sama."

"Yes but his hair and face are completely different," Yumi argued, "it's not the same...."

Mine put her hand on Yumi's shoulder, "I'm sure you'll be fine." She decided to lighten the mood, "You want to have a match? It's been a while since we sparred, it'll keep your mind off the negativity."

Akashi Seijūrō

Akashi found it odd to see both Mayumi and Mine absent on the first day back to school. He looked at the empty vice president desk to his right.

He looked at his phone and saw her name on his screen. The temptation to call her was distracting him. He turned off his phone and went back to doing his work.

He ended up doing her work too.

Kayano Mayumi

Her mom finally woke up the next day.

"She seems to be fine only with minor internal injuries and her broken foot, but that will heal over time. I would keep her here for a few days before we decide to discharge her. You are welcome to visit her, she's been expecting you guys." The doctor explained to them.

Mayumi couldn't get past the door to the hospital room. Her brother looked back concerned, but understood his sister's fear, "I'll tell her you're here and ask if she wants to see you, how's that?"

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