Prologue [M]

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Lisa grimaced as the bag of flour was poured and slowly showered her from her head down to her shoulders. It has a great amount of it and she can be dubbed now as the Snow White. Literally. That's her fellow students call her as she walks her way every single time when she's having the unusual flour bathing. All she could ever do is to sigh from her pathetic situation. Again!

She's a constant victim of bullying. Although it never goes to a situation where she will be hurt physically, still it bothers her.

'Why would she do this to me every damn time? Why me?' That's what she always thought.

Well, it's from the reigning, ever majestic, the impeccable and powerful beauty of YG University, the one and only Jennie Kim.

The Queen as everyone calls her.

She may not be wearing a crown or sitting literally on a throne, but she has all the power and control towards everything and everyone. Whatever she commands, everyone follows. Who wouldn't when she has the every fucking rights to do what she wants? And to be followed what she wants to be followed?

"I don't know why, but it makes my blood boils every time I see your face, you pathetic loser." Jennie sassed, still with her usual bitchy, savage personality that every one seemed to admire. Only Lisa thinks that she's despicable.

Lisa would only duck her head low and yeah, she felt pathetic.

She fists her hands as both of it was shuddering. Her anxiety is kicking in. Lisa, introverted as she is, always hates it when the attention is set on her. She prays it's a good kind of attention, but it isn't.

"Look at me, freak." she dictated with her usual authoritative voice.

Albeit anxious with the prying eyes that surround her, she still looked at Jennie's face.

Lisa abhors Jennie's attitude, but she can't help but admire the brunette's beauty. Face that is comparable with those of the goddesses. Feline-like eyes, fierce yet mesmerizing. Lips, red and luscious, and inviting...

"Are you even listening?!"

Lisa was awoken from her trance of admiration towards Jennie as the brunette shouted in annoyance.

"Listen here, weirdo. I don't want to see you walking on the same path way with mine. I don't want to see your...grotesque face."

A babble of 'owwss' resonated from the students. They seemed to enjoy the bullying of the Queen to Lisa while the latter is clearly in distress.

Tears almost fell from the corner of Lisa's eyes but she was grateful that it didn't drop. If it will, it would be another win for the perpetrator.

"I had enough. Disinfectant?" Jennie called and one of her tails immediately handed a sanitation gel to her. Jennie then poured some and rubbed it to her hands.

"And now the bacteria are gone, let's scurry away." she commanded as she held one last glance to Lisa, and then walked away.

Lisa held the hem of her shirt and dusted away the flour. But some of the white powder were sticking on her face and on her hair. She really needs to wash up or something.

"Ungrateful bitches..." although it was low, Lisa heard it clearly which made her awaken from her trance. It was a scowl intended for the Queen and her tails which made Lisa gazed to the creator of such angelic voice.

"Are you okay?" she then asked Lisa in concern. And the latter just nodded in response.

"I'm sorry about her."

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