[18] 🍑💦

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Third Person


"Goodness! Miyeon, you surprised me!" Lisa stated, somewhat annoyed of Miyeon's sudden appearance as she was walking unto her first class.

"I'm sorry." Miyeon said while chuckling a bit.

"Uhm...why are you here? Don't you have classes?" Lisa asked, wishing that her question wouldn't be unpleasant for Miyeon's ears. The least she could do is to hurt Miyeon's feeling. She saved her anyway. The blonde thinks that it was the least she could ever do to repay Miyeon's heroic deed for her.

"Are trying to shoo me away?" Miyeon asked as she tugged her clothes in her chest part, looking like Lisa's question hurt her. But of course she was just faking it.

"Of course not, Miyeon. You know I owe you a lot, right?"

"Are you? Well, how about a date then? Would a date suffice?"

"W-What?" Lisa clarified. Of course she heard it clearly. She just couldn't believe it that the likes of Miyeon would actually date her. If it's Jennie who told her that, she knew it would be partnered with ulterior motives.

"I...I'm just teasing you, Lisa-yah. Hehe."

Lisa tried to answer but was disturbed when a splash of water hit right through Miyeon's face. And since the two girl were practically too close, Lisa was drenched too. Although it was Miyeon who looked like she just dove in a swimming pool.

"Oops. I wasn't looking. I thought y'all a plant. Suhhrry." Jennie's sassy voice echoed through Lisa's ears. The pulsating sarcasm made the surrounding students laugh.

"It-It's okay." Was all the brown haired woman said. Miyeon is not an average student in YG University, and much less below. She is actually comparable with SC members, but like them, Jennie is on the top. She couldn't do anything about it because she's powerless when she's against the Queen.

Lisa pitied Miyeon. If it was her who Jennie planned to bully, why would she include Miyeon? The latter haven't done anything against her.

"Come on, Miyeon." Lisa said as she held the woman and pulled her wrist with her. The taller girl heard a sound of a loud gasp, but chose to care less.

"Hi, Liz." Irene greeted when she get passed her side, she just winked at her discreetly, and Irene winked back. But Lisa needs to get away fast so she didn't held long.

But a few steps away from them seemed so heavy. There was like an unknown negative energy pulling her back. And as the blonde looked back, Jennie was looking at her rather intently. There's something going on in her bitchy yet mysterious mind. And trying to decipher what was it is the least of Lisa's concern because they have to change clothes or at least dry their soaked clothes before classes.

And Jennie was holding herself. A week had passed and it was her first time of actually meeting Lisa. She had been busy the previous days. Why? She's the only one who knows why.

Jennie then smirked as she watched the retreating backs of Lisa and Miyeon. Something was playing on her mind. And she needs it to be done. The sooner, the better.

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