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"Ahm...I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I apologized, panicking as I picked up my things from the concrete ground. I have to get out fast. Rosé's piece of advice about dealing with a Kim was still fresh on my mind. Especially with Jennie Kim.

I side glanced the Queen as I was done picking up everything, and her expression was unreadable. Her gaze was cemented on me. Fuck!

"Ahm...uhh...e-excuse me." Bowing my head, I was ready to get out from the scene but a soft hand grabbed my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?!" a red-haired girl asked, with a gaze as if saying like 'You're dead!'

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I kept bowing, hoping that it's enough for me to be able to free myself from her grasp.

"Joy, get your hands off of her." Jennie, with a menacing look in her eyes, commanded the red-haired named Joy. Another surprised gasps echoed the surrounding, not just from Joy. I don't know the reason why, but I don't have to know. I have to get out fast.

"But Your Highness, she bumped you. This filthy anim--" Joy wasn't able to finish as I forced myself out from her grasp and ran. I have to flee from the scene. The sooner, the better.

"Fuck! She's frightening. What am I gonna do if...fuck! I'm done. So done! Why did I run away?! Shit!" with a ragged breath, I wiped my sweat trailing down from my forehead. I don't know if it's the running that caused me to perspire, or the Queen herself. Fuck!

Guess I will just have to avoid them at all cost. Or I'm saying goodbye.

Third Person

"Your Highness, are we going to let her escape!?" Joy asked Jennie, confused to why the Queen just let Lisa ran away.

"That bitch just--"

"Enough! Who the hell gave you the right to question my decisions?!" Jennie snapped and everyone flinched from her voice. Students who witnessed the commotion slowly walked out, not wanting to be included by the Queen's rage.

"Joy, just zip your mouth." Nayeon whispered to her, afraid about Joy's welfare.

Joy apologized immediately to the Queen. It was the first time that  Jennie Kim let someone escape her, but everyone doesn't have the guts to ask the reason why.

"And I'm not letting her escape, if that's what you want to ask. I have a better plan for her." Almost everyone swallowed a lump from their throat. Jennie is a walking chaos. But if it is planned', then that must be a farewell.

"Let's go." Jennie commanded and the squad just followed her, wagging their tails like a loyal dog.


"You what?!" Rosé caught the attention of the students eating inside the cafeteria as she almost jumped from her seat. Lisa just bowed her head and asked...

"Was it that bad?"

"It's the worst! Fuck! You're dead meat! Why did you run away?! You should have face the consequences of bumping the Queen, but you ran away! It will...shit! Nobody escapes from her, Lisa."

"But-but...I was...afraid she might do something to me." Lisa is having a nervous breakdown right now. Her tears almost wants to have their way out from the corner of her eyes. She's dead, yeah!

Started With A Kiss | JenLisa Where stories live. Discover now