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Third Person

Flashback (During the meeting)

A boy with his shy and kindest smile approached Lisa. A blush plastered on his face as he faced the blonde and offered his right hand for a shake.

"Hi, Lisa, I'm J-Jungkook. But you can call me anything. You p-probably just heard my name just now, but it's because I'm a transferee too. I heard you are one, so I guess it wouldn't be a-awkward for us, right?"

"Oh, it's fine. Thanks, anything." Lisa replied with a cheeky smile.

"T-That's now what I meant. Hahaha!" Jungkook responded and bursted laughing.

"I'm kidding. Nice meeting you, Kook." Lisa said.

"Oh, how do you know my nickname?" Jungkook asked.

"Your name is Jungkook, it isn't a far possibility that people calls you Kook or Jung, right?" Lisa stated matter-of-factly.

"Hahaha! You're funny. I like you. Oh, t-that's not what I meant. Well, kidding aside, Lisa, I think we're going to be good p-partners because I saw your audition. You looked...hot in there. Should we talk about where and when we practice our dance? Don't worry about the music because I had mine. I'll just have to make you listen to it and you choose which is which, okay?" Jungkook said, eyeing Lisa with quite adoration in his eyes.

"Y-Yeah." Lisa tried to hide the awkwardness building towards them. Jungkook was actually kept on talking although he stutter sometimes. The boy just wanted to ease the unhandy atmosphere between the two of them.

Jennie who intentionally faced back so she could monitor Lisa, was furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at how flustered Jungkook's faces was.

'Is he having a crush on my Lisa?' Jennie said through her thoughts. She kept watching at them like how a hawk eyeing it's prey. She kept on trying to eavesdrop Lisa and Jungkook's conversation while gritting her teeth in annoyance and jealousy.

Lisa could assume that the boy who is now sitting beside her, is actually kind and somewhat similar to her behavior. The redness of his cheeks, and the involuntary scratches to his nape, Lisa presumed that he isn't far from her personality. They could actually be friends with each other, Lisa's sure about it.

The blonde kept on listening to Jungkook and would just nod a bit or talked a little when needed. She was actually enjoying Jungkook's company regardless of how awkward they were towards each other.

But Lisa was then removed from her trance when her phone vibrated. She picked it from her pocket and discreetly read the message that arrived.

She swallowed a lump from her throat when she read what the message was.

It was clearly a death threat from, of course, the one and only Jennie Kim. The text stated how she would torture both the blonde and Jungkook.

Lisa shivered from the thought. Jennie really is a scary and crazy person.

Deciding to at least decrease the tension of Jennie's glare and would somehow make her forget about her threats, Lisa decided to tease the latter a bit.

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