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"Yes! Suck it like that! Hmm."

"Jennie, tone down a bit. People might hear us."

"They're on their classes so no one's going to hear. So shut up and lick that pussy!" Jennie snapped again and pushed Lisa's head down, burying her again between her thighs.

Well, it escalated quickly, right?

Jennie managed to get what she wanted while trying to appear like it was still Lisa's doing. She know too well how to play victim, right? That in fact, it was Jennie who craves it a lot. She just couldn't speak it out loud on Lisa because she knew she wasn't that kind of person. Jennie manipulated her and of course, Lisa was one hell of an idiot. Or so we thought.

Obviously, it was Lisa's first time. But she isn't that innocent regarding that category. She was once a teenage girl who have a raging hormone and endless curiosity. So she sort of binge watched porn in the past. Hilarious, right? Yet now, she's grateful that she was able to apply it for the Queen. She never know it could make the brunette...crazy.

Lisa realized two things during the whole ordeal. One, Jennie surely is loud in bed. Second, Lisa admitted how beautiful Jennie's waxed pussy was. The pinkish wet labia enticed her. The protruding clit which she eagerly suck was a total turn-on. It was utterly pleasant in the ear of how she do Jennie well. Giving her pleasures with just her tongue.

"That's your...reward. Do it well." Jennie managed to speak while grabbing a handful of Lisa's hair tight. The brunette was going nuts. She just dreamed about it and right now, Lisa was actually doing it!

'If I should've known that this feels so good, I should have done this a long time ago!' Jennie said to her thoughts.

"I'm...hmm...something..." Jennie deliriously stated and thrusted her hips to bury Lisa's face even deeper, meeting every stroke of Lisa's tongue on her dripping pussy.

"...is coming...out. Fuck!" With that, Jennie arched and leaned on the mirror located at her back as she came on Lisa's mouth. Her insides spasmed a few times as the transparent and slimy liquid dripped down on her thighs.

"Lili, sip it." she commanded Lisa and the latter just obliged. Without a second thought, she dipped herself again between Jennie's thighs and licked the juices there. She then targeted Jennie's wet vulva and paid attention to it the same as what she did seconds ago. The brunette gasped by the sudden movement yet she still held on.

After a few seconds, Lisa have done cleaning Jennie with her tongue, so she stood up from kneeling down. Her knees were kind of sore because Jennie positioned herself in the lavatory while dividing her legs apart. And she have to dock down in order to reach Jennie's sex and give her an oral treatment.

But yeah, she confessed that she loved the feeling of Jennie on her mouth. Loved the feeling of making Jennie flustered and insanely out of mind. Loved to hear her name screamed out from Jennie's mouth as she do her. It was encouraging her to continue. Although her pants grew again, and she became horny just a little bit, she knew it wasn't part of the deal and she just have to constraint herself.

"Are you sure you're a virgin, dull?!" Jennie furiously asked as she realized that the blonde could possibly experienced what just happened with other girls from the past. Judging from how she managed to let Jennie cum in just a few minutes, she doubts that Lisa is truly innocent about such things.

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