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Third Person

"Wow! Tell me who the lucky girl is."  Rosé asked as soon as Lisa slumped herself in one of the chairs on their spot.

"What do you mean?"

"Limario, you surely started your great night with a hot makeout session. Or probably, sex. That's why you left, right?" It was Jisoo who commented with an obvious amusement on her eyes towards the blonde. Of course in a platonic way.

"Why would you s-say something like that? I'm...I wasn't having sex. Can't you tone it down a bit? People might misunderstand." Lisa explained herself, whisper-yelling, trying no to attract possible eavesdropping students.

"Tell that to your neck, my friend." Jisoo interjected, not believing Lisa. Well, she sure have all the reasons to not believe the blonde. And that would be starting from the visible hickeys on her neck.

"Now, who's the girl?" Jisoo asked again. Lisa doesn't tell lies to people, but she's with the eldest Kim. If Jisoo would know that it was her younger sister who did those marks, the doe-eyed woman could sworn that Jisoo might freak out and kill her on the spot.

"It was...no one." Lisa answered while giving little unnoticeable glances to the Queen who is sitting just few tables away from them.

Given the smirk that plastered on her face, of course Jisoo didn't believed her. If that person made its way to Lisa, then that person would be interesting. It intrigued the raven-haired woman of who made Lisa flustered this much.

"Leave her, Jisoo. Can we focus on the event now?" Rosé said while giving Lisa a stare that much like asked 'you better explain it to me later when Jisoo is gone'.

"Okay, Pasta." Jisoo said, crossing her fingers, placed them on the round table, and stared lovingly to Rosé.

"Jisoo! I said listen to the event! Can you at least act like a normal student and not as the future owner or something?!" Rosé snapped at her, but the latter just grinned, finding the redheaded hot when furious.

"How can I when you're this gorgeous? I mean, you always is, but tonight, you make me want to..." she nonchalantly uttered back and paused, teasing Rosé by raising her eyebrows up and down.

Rosé realized she couldn't make the older one behave, as always. What Jisoo wants, she gets. It made her sigh heavily, feeling defeated-- again.

"Anyway, what am I hearing right now? Auction?" Lisa diverted both of the person's attention on their seats, as she tried to know what was the hosts were talking about.

"It's the annual fundraising event for charities." Rosé answered her.

"Annual fundraising event for charities? What's that? I mean, I know what it is. But really, does this school have that?" Lisa asked quizzically, clenching her eyebrows altogether.

"Obviously, yes. All funds from the bidding process will all be donated for the chosen charities. This happens every founding anniversaries celebrations." Rosé answered her again. The redheaded girl has been eating another food. To where they got it? It was them who only knew.

"And...how would it suppose to work? I didn't hear it clearly."

"By auction bidding students to date. The Student Council and school staffs choose at least ten individuals to auction. With or without their consent. And the rest of the students here would raise bids for them to be their date for the rest of the night." Jisoo explained thoroughly to the confused blonde. She sure doesn't know that the school has such events since she's a transferee.

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