[14] 🍑💦

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It was odd. The feeling of being watched in a school with numerous students was a bit dreadful for me. I couldn't shake that feeling stirring inside my brain that someone was probably watching my every move. It was more like shackles, giving me the inability to freely do anything I want. Since the night after the Grand Ball, I might be able to say that someone might be stalking me.

But I chose to shrug it off. It may be because it was just my delusions. Who would want to stalk someone like me, right? I am nobody.

Speaking of Grand Ball, what happened that time was a relief in my part. Jennie actually demanded my time to really spend the night with her albeit the event was ending. And what are we going to do was a question only Jennie could answer. It was almost tragic.


Luckily, her parents called and her wish wasn't granted. Jennie's face was coated with annoyance that time. She must have regretted to spend millions for a date because it just resulted to her sudden departure. I guess millions were cents for them. Well, at least it was all for the charities.

But Jennie didn't leave that time without saying her seemed-to-be iconic line.

"Im not done with you, dull."


It's Monday and I can't helped but to feel dreary. It's another day to realize that we're all humans, and we couldn't stop the inevitable. And much less turn back the time and just lay on the bed during the weekends. Who else wishes that all of the days in a week are all weekends? Haha!

I hilariously became so incredulous. Well, I admit there are plenty of times to be just a lazy ass person and do absolutely nothing.

But I'm a student who have a dream to accomplish. So I have to work hard in order to be fully free from my destitute point of life. Very cliché.

But you can't help but to feel how poor you are when you are literally surrounded by millionaires! That would be enough motivation, right?

And here I am, totally forgotten that I'm back with this miserable reality.

Of course it's Monday! That would be mean that I'll have to deal the demon who reigns her kingdom in here. The epitome of wickedness-- Jennie Kim.

A bag of flour poured on top of me with of course, the Queen herself. The students gasped in surprise, as if it's the first time they saw their dear Queen bullying me.

"Listen everyone! This damn ugly creature right here is mine. Which means, if ever you'll lay a finger of this blondie right here, will have to face dire consequences. I'll be the one...the only one to bully her. You all got that?!" Jennie challenged. Of course no one would take her heads on. It would mean death for them. The least they could do was just stare at her in awe. They really simp the bad bitchy Queen.

The oddly atypical emotion settled in me. It was something I couldn't comprehend and know of at first. It was strangely new.

But the fear was slowly fading away and was replaced with exasperation. But it was still there. I can sense the fear from the wrath of Jennie was lingering inside of me, just waiting to be released again.

Jennie then leaned a bit after pouring my head the white powder.

"I believe you're still indebted with me so I'll be getting some payment later." she murmured and backed away little bit, then scurried off with her tails.

Started With A Kiss | JenLisa Where stories live. Discover now