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Third Person

The video was a minute-long. Just an ordinary woman taking a bath. Well, too much of being ordinary when she has a woman's body but have a male genital and was naked. Too much of being a normal person taking a bath when she was stroking her sick, washing it thoroughly. That seems to be too bad for the eyes of others. The worst for the Thai.

The stolen pictures that she's seen naked is in her own dorm's bathroom. It was a nice setup for the angle was perfect. And that means that her dick can be seen clearly.

She hated herself even more when it was posted like an hour ago and she was too asleep to notice it. Students may have basked on it for too long, now that she realized it.

She couldn't keep her breath steady. She held her chest tight, and with a trembling hand, she slowly lifted up her head to see the surroundings. And yeah, judging by the looks thrown at her, every single soul knows already.

There were looks of slight fascination, but the disgust was overwhelming. It's as if Lisa became a monster to their eyes.

Well, she thought she really is. She's a freak after all. She's neither a woman nor a man. What do you call it then?

She didn't know the answer to that. This what fears her the most. To be looked upon like she had committed the most heinous crime in the universe. To be gazed like she's a one-eyed witch.

With tears came flowing down her cheeks, Lisa ran. She ran and ran, even bumped few students sometimes, but still couldn't get her mind out from what has happened.

Then it hit her.

Who would do such thing to her? Who would leak her hidden secret?

Only those whe knew it.

Aside from her family, only one person who knew about it. And actually dared to use it to blackmail her.


Suddenly, her blood rose up to her head, causing Lisa to turn red in anger. She balls her fist that it actually turned pale.

What came next was her feet strolling angrily towards the SC office.


A pair of alluring eyes pierced stealthily at Lisa who is storming to Jennie. She followed the Thai like a creep, watching her every move with intent.

When Lisa barged in and closed the SC room's door, she slowly placed her ear through it, trying to listen what happened inside.

And when she heard some shouting which obviously from the fuming Lisa, she immediately left the scene and fished her phone.


No one was there, which Lisa actually wouldn't care if there's people inside.

The feline beauty was all alone, sitting on her office chair like it was an actual throne. She has her annoyed face, which irritated Lisa even more.

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