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Another two weeks had passed, and I should be thankful about this tranquility I am experiencing. But I felt the exact opposite. I am dreadful. I just know something might happen again.

Every time I meet her, or them, it always sent my knees trembling in dread. Nothing about this serenity that has me optimistic. I just know that Jennie Kim would do unexpected things to me again. What happened the previous weeks were enough proofs for it. The question is...what would she do this time?

Why wouldn't she do it already so that everything will end at once?!

I sighed as both relief and annoyance hit me.

'Really, Lisa? You fucking idiot!'

The Queen mustn't be the one I'm thinking right now. There are too many things worthy to be thought about. Beautiful things to be positive. And speaking of beautiful...

The only thing that always made my day was the friendship I had built with Irene. It was beautiful. She's beautiful. God, I'm whipped!

And to think that today we are going to meet again? My unconscious smile says it all. Things involving Irene makes these butterflies in my stomach rambling-- in a good way, of course.

We've been messaging through texts, or talk through calls. Oftentimes, we FaceTime with each other.

For the past week, I grow accustomed towards Hyun's presence. We talk most of the time when we're in the photography club office. She's fun to be with. Her smile has intense domesticity, and her eyes screamed happiness.

I also got to meet my fellow club members. Aside from Hyun, there were only five of them. There were two boys; Jin and Sehun. And three girls; Momo, Somi, and Seulgi. Which means the club consists of seven individuals.


Leaving my room after checking myself in a full body mirror, I decided to have myself my usual breakfast in school's cafeteria. I had also decided to invite Chae with me since I noticed that she has arrived yesterday night.

There were inaudible noises coming from her room last night, so obviously, she was there inside.

As I stepped out from my room, Chae's room was opened right as I closed mine.

"Oh!" I was stupefied when a raven-haired girl came out from Rosé's room. Her hair was kind of disheveled, and her face tells me that she just woke up.

"Oh, hey. Good morning! You must be Lisa, right? Pasta's roommate?" she greeted. Her voice was surprisingly cheerful in this early morning.

"P-Pasta?" I asked, stuttering in the process. I am a sucker for beauty, I know. I guess this is what they call gay panic.

"Oh, my bad. I meant Chaeyoung." she clarified with a vibrant and friendly smile.

"O-kay. Yeah, we're roommates. And you must be?..."

"I'm Jisoo Kim. Pasta's...I mean, Chaeyoung's girlfriend."

"Oh." was all I ever said when I realized what she just said. The information slowly appeared on my mind. And my eyes widened in shock.

"Y-You mean, the Jisoo Kim? Jen... I mean, the Queen's elder sister?"

"I see you meet my sister. Yeah, I am that Kim."

Started With A Kiss | JenLisa Where stories live. Discover now