[20] 🍑💦

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"Was all of it a dream?" I murmured with my sleepy voice as I flickered my eyes slightly open.

"Nope." I immediately answered myself as I saw Jennie canoodled at me, giving my neck light kisses and sometimes would sniff at it.

"You smell so good, Lili."

"H-Hey. G-Good morning." I dreamily greeted, still could not believe that what happened the other night was indeed, real.

"Good morning." Jennie answered back and leaned for a kiss, which I instantly pulled back.

"Why are you still here, Jennie?"

"That's fucking offensive, don't you think?! You took my virginity and you have the audacity to ask me why I'm still here?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jennie snapped.

"T-That's...that's not what I meant! Y-Your parents must be worried about you, and they--"

"I told them I slept with you." she cut me off nonchalantly and my jaw just dropped with the revelation.

'Wait, what?!'

"Fuck, I'm dead." I said to myself and she stopped what she's been doing and faced me.

"Are you worried that they might kill you?" she asked, smirking evilly.

"The hell I am! Fuck this! What have I done?!" I'm getting really anxious right now and the fact that Jennie was just grinning at me-- like mocking my perturbed state? It didn't help me at all.

"Hey, relax, Manoban. They wouldn't do it. Hahaha. Well, they might. If you're going to run away from this." she said.

Well, she could be joking, right? Nobody does a kiss-and-tell to their parents!

"Uhm...uh... You just t-told them that you slept at my dorm, right? Like, not figuratively. Like you just slept in my bed and not the 'I just took your virginity' bomb, right?" I asked nervously, my voice was tense and sounded very agitated.

Who wouldn't be frightened, right? Think about it, you just fucked the daughter of the owner of the school. And not just a regular sex. You took her virginity! Added by the fact that the school practically pay all of your school fees! Of-fucking-course you'd be dead!

"Well, they didn't mind anyway."

"Then that means...you told them that I had sex with you?"


"Oh goodness! Why are you so nonchalant about this?! I think I'm gonna pass out!" I wouldn't see the light of the day anymore. That's for sure. I think I'm gonna cry.

"Hey! Lanky! Listen to me. It's fine. It's totally fine. They didn't even reacted to it. I'm a big girl and they trust my judgment. Don't worry too much about them. Well, actually, there's one thing they want me to do. They told me to bring you for a family dinner next week."

"What?! But you told me that they were fine with it."

"They just wanted to meet you, idiot. You're overreacting, goodness." she said, irritated by my bothered behavior.

Started With A Kiss | JenLisa Where stories live. Discover now