Chapter 2

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I was stunned. I couldn't believe what was happening. 

"Mija do you know what this is for?" My mom said as she and my dad grabbed my suitcase and Claire and Maya's treats. 

"I..." I began to say, but couldn't because I was so overwhelmed with what was happening. If I spoke anymore I was going to cry. 

"Well why don't you come over here loser and say hi to your siblings!" My brother Danny said as he ran towards me, putting me in a headlock. "DAN!" My dad shouted. "Sorry Pops" Danny said putting his hands up, and then sticking his tongue out at me as the rest of my siblings and their families gave me hugs hello. 

"Well guys...I feel sort of.....underdressed" I joked looking down at what I was wearing. I was wearing a denim shirt, black jeans, riding boots, and a chunky scarf. My whole family on the other hand...They were dressing in gorgeous formal wear. All of the Burke women were wearing long red dresses that had braided bodices, and the men wore black button downs, slacks, and red ties. They were all dressed in my colleges colors, The University of New Mexico. 

"Noelle sweetie you look fine" My brother Jame's wife Daisy said to me with a smile and a wink. "Nellie, why don't you see what we gotcha!" My sister Amanda pushed as I walked up to the table that was sitting in front of the back door. 

On the table was a big bag with some sort of present in it on one side, and then on the other side was a red,white,and black cake that said "UNM LOBOS" on it. "Ma is that red velvet?" I smiled, trying to hold back tears of happiness. "Yeah sweetie. Claire and Maya made it and sent it down here for you" My mom smiled. 

Claire and Maya, you sneaky girls.

"Okay Noelle..I think we need to get on with what this whole shinding is for. Why don't you sit?" My mom said as I found the head of the table, and the rest of the family either found spots in chairs around it or near it. 

"Okay, so should we let Layla start first?" Daisy asked. "Sure" Layla said, getting up as she went towards what was in the big bag. 

"Well Noelle. This party is long over due because you were adopted by Devon on June 14, 2012 when you were 16, now you're 21" Layla chuckled, along with everyone else. "But we all made this for you" she said taking out what was in the bag, a scrapbook with my name on it and an old baby photo of me.

I was speechless.

She then began to flip through the first couple of pages, pointing out the new birth certificate I got after the adoption, my dad's wedding vows at he and my mom's wedding, old school pictures of all the siblings, and then came the timeline of mylife from birth to highschool. 

"Okay. Noelle this is your life timeline from birth to highschool. Sorry we couldn't fit up to after college graduation" Layla smiled. 

"We have your birthday, your first crush which was in the 2nd grade, being apart of my parents wedding proposal, golf photos, school photos, and of course inquiring about wanting to become a Burke. Though I just met you in person last year, I already know that you are a really caring, loving, smart, and great girl. I'm so glad to have met you and can't wait to be able to call you my sister in law" Layla said, trying not to cry.

As she sat back down I could feel my chin begin to tremble, my cheeks beginning to heat up, meaning that I was on the verge of tears. Happy tears of course. "James. You're turn" I heard. 

As James got up and began to speak his "part" I just began to think about how great of a big brother he is. Though he's a tough cop, he's the sweetest and most protective man that I know right after my dad. He would also do anything for me, which mean's a lot. 

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