Chapter 19

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The meetings consumed me the minute I walked into the office. Everyone seemd to have something for me to do to plan what the movie version of my new story Thanks To You was going to look like, I was being pulled left and right. This was why I liked my job though; it took my mind off of everything else that was going on. As I sat at the large oak conferance table finishing up some storyboards, I heard footsteps behind me before I heard the silly little voice.

"Noelle" Claire sighed happily before pulling a chair up next to me. "I feel like you're giving everyone your attention but me!"

Laughing, I rolled my eyes, "Not by choice sweetie"

The two of us sat and talked for a bit as we chipped away at some of the audition tapes for the lead female role and her friends, who were all dancers, that were left, giggling at the bad attempt of dancing that was shown. I heard her phone ping, Claire's face turning into a frown as she saw what was displayed on the screen.

"What've you got there?" I asked with a smile.

She shook her head, not wanting to show me what the message was. Quickly I grabbed for the small black iphone and looked at the message displayed on the screen. There was a text from Maya.

"What is he doing? this is going to kill her"

I could feel my cheeks going red as I stared at the picture of Declan with a random girl laughing next to him. Slowly I handed the phone back to Claire, as my mind went crazy.

"I'm sorry love" She sighed.

"I'd rather see it from you two rather than on twitter or something...." I said as I shook my head.

Claire gave me a quick hug before leaving me to more audition tapes, and going back to the shop to help Maya out with Charlotte. I couldn't quite get back into my work again because my mind was stuck on that idiotic photo. Every once in a while I'd blink back tears that would threaten to escape. I hadn't noticed the time because I'd lost myself again, looking up I saw the sun taking one last dip behind the large buildings before disappearing completley.

On my way to the bar, meet you at the pub XX

I typed into my phone as I walked out of the office building and towards an awaiting taxi.

Finally pulling up to the small strip of bars, I stepped out of the car, greeted quickly by some paprazzi that were outside. I gave them a half smile before stepping past them and heading inside. As I stepped inside I glanced at my phone, noticing the text from Declan, letting me know that he was on his way. I slid up to the bar and ordered a drink while I waited.

Sitting on the small stool I sipped at the vodka cranberry that lay before me when I felt somone slip beside me. Look to my side, I saw a sexy scruffy man standing next to me with a devilish grin playing at his lips, Kyle. He put his hand to mine and pulled me on to the dance floor. The two of us got lost in the music, his hand laying softly on the small of my back.

A few songs trailed off as the two of us launghed and danced to them. The next thing I knew I felt a strong hand wrap around my tiny arm, pulling me backwards. Looking up my eyes caught Declan before he launched his fist at Kyle.

"DECLAN" I screamed as I pulled at him.

As my hands pulled at his arms he yanked forward. Anger had finally risen all the way throughout my body as I watched Declan tussling with Kyle. Quickly I turned on my heels and headed towards the door. You've got to be kidding me- I thought angrily to myself. I pressed through the hoardes of paparazzi outside and hurried to the nearest taxi.

Walking into my apartment I slammed the door behind me and walked towards my bedroom, tears finally escaping from my eyes. My phone hadn't stopped ringing for the last five minutes from Declan trying to call me. Ripping it from my bag, I threw it onto the ground in a fit of anger, watching the white iphone shatter at my feet. More tears came, quickly rolling down my cheeks.

I heard the door swing open quickly, "NOELLE, there you are!"

I quickly turned around to face him, wiping my mascara stained tears away with the back of my shaky hands.

"I'm sorry" He said stepping towards me. "I snapped, seeing you with him"

The heat took over, my anger bursting, thank goodness Charlotte was with Frankie, Maya, and Claire. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?"

"It's okay for you to shag anything with a fucking pulse" I screamed. "But god forbid if fucking dance with another guy"

All Declan did was look at me.

"For Christs's sake you came here last night after being at the club with some slut" I spat before heading into my room.

"Why are you yelling at me?" He questioned.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU DECLAN!" I screamed. "Do you not get that?!? I've been here through everything Declan. EVERYTHING. I was there when Mindy cheated on you and hit Charlotte, at your lowest, Charlotte's lowest, day and night. Nobody does that unless they love someone. I've bandaged you up countless times emotionally and physically at the wee hours of the morning and taken care of you. What do you do?, Go out and not tell me where you're going, and leave your daughter with me while you go do every twat in the city!"

Declan stood there, shocked.

"I love you okay" I whispered as the tears took over again.

The next thing I knew Declan had slammed me up against the brick wall of my bedroom, his soft lips hovering just in front of mine.

"You honestly don't think I fucking love you?" He chuckled. "Why do you think I come to YOU, you're the only perosn I let see my daughter at her darkest, at my darkest, the Attwoods, every last bit of us"

Biting my lip I took in his face, the face I first saw after the wonderful welcome to the family party at my house. Declan's jaw went from tightly clenched to a soft smile as he said "I love you".

I leaned forward to kiss him, but he put his finger on my lips.

"Hold that thought Noelle. Come with me" He said as he guided my hand through the apartment.

"It's 8 at night. Where the-"

"Just come with me Nellie" He laughed as he threw me over his shoulder and into the elevator. 

"What the hell are we doing here?" I smiled as Declan set me back down on solid ground once we reached the park via taxi. 

"I'll be right back Noelle" Declan kissed me on the cheek and then walked away from me.

"Where are you going? You're just going to leave a cute attractive girl like me in the middle of the park at night?" I joked as I put my hands on my hips.

"Right back Nellie. Right. Back" Declan smiled as he ran down the path that was in front of me. 

10 minutes later he had not come back, so I pulled out my phone and sat on the iron bench next to me.

"Declan Attwood, you're one strange man" I smiled outloud.

In the distance I heard "Right Place Right Time" by Olly Murs playing, and saw what seemed like 30 people on bicyles coming towards me, all of their wheels were decorated with christmas lights. The music got louder and louder as they came closer. 

I watched them weave in and out between each other and around each other, until they turned single file to the entrance to the park I was near. Being the curious one I am, I followed them. 

The bikers took me to a long straight path that was in the park, the path that I had ran millions of times in the morning. It no longer looked like the path I knew in the crisp morning, it was something more spectacular, something that was straight out of a movie. 

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