Chapter 15

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The hall was silent expect for the light sounds of my and Declan's shoes against the clean hospital tile. His fingers fiddled with mine trying to sooth me, to no avail. I slowed my pace as I grew closer to the room that hel my mother.

This morning at 5am, she was rushed to the hospital, and she was at her worst.

With Declan back in the picture, he wanted to start off a clean slate with helping me with her. He let my take my time, knowing how hard it was for me to see my mom like that.

"I'm right here Noelle" Declan whispered.

Taking a deep breath I gave him a weak smile before heading into the room. The machines surroundin gher were wiring loudly when I stepped around the corner. As my eyes rested on her, I could see she was noticeably weaker than she was just 2 days ago. Her eyes connected with mine and she gave me the biggest smile she could and motioned lightly for the two of us to take a seat. I gently sat on the bed with her and Declan took a seat in the chair next to the bed. His hand rested on my thigh comfortably as I looked down at my mom.

"I'm so glad that you two come" My mom spoke quietly.

My eyes were stinging with tears as I looked down at her, "Declan couldn't wait to see the woman that popped me out"

She turned to look at Declan who was smiling at her from the chair. His hands moved from my thigh to her fragile little hand.

"I wanted to see the gorgeous woman that gave birth to the one I love" he said, giving her a wink.

Slowly I stood up. I needed some are and knew they could use some alone time, Declan especially to explain why he's not pissed at me anymore.

I walked aimlessly down the hallway and into the little waiting area. The nurses that passed by gave me knowing smiles as I slumped into one of the oversized hospital chairs. I knew exactly what my mom was doing; she was saying goodybe to him, tell him to take care of me, just like she told me the night before she was rushed to the hospital.

She had pulled me close to her and whispered to me how much she loved me and was going to miss me as tears were spilling from my eyes. As much as I hated it, I knew that it was her time. It was selfish of me to keep her here any longer.

A while later I heard Declan's footsteps coming from down the hall, he leaned down and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Come on," He said, planting a kiss on my cheek. "I think it's about time"

I nodded and stood up, standing in the same spot for a minute before hesitantly following Declan. This time when I walked into the room my moms breathing was shallower and her eyes were only half open. Again I took my spot next to her on the bed and grabbed her hand gently.

"Don't worry Nellie" She nearly whispered. "You've got someone who'll take great care of you"

My eyes shifte to Declan, tears spilling from my eyes and then they started slowly leaking out, seeing the ones that were slipping from Declan's eyes.

"If you ever need me I'm right here" My mom said, pointing lightly to my heart.

A brave smile took over my face as her hand grew lighter against mine and she soon let go. What happened next all seemed to occur in slow motion.

The machines around her started beeping louder and I knew that she was gone. The brave smie slipped from my face as tears poured down my cheeks. As the nurses rushed in, Declan pulled me from the bed and out of the room.

We both rounded the corner before I lost complete control. He pulled me to his firm chest as he slid slowly down the wall to the floor. He let me cry out knowing that my one and only mother was gone and I was never going to see her sweet smile again. Declan's fingers gripped my hair as his tears melted into mine as the two of us held each other. Soon the nurses came out and let me know I could see her before they took her away. I pulled myself up and Declan behind me and the two of us slowly meandered back into the room.

Declan went in first, giving her still body a once over before sweetly kissing her forehead. He stepped back to let me get to her, his eyes not straying from my tired and pain filled face. I kneeled down beside her and whispered my goodbye before kissing her cheek and squeezing her limp hand one last time.


Stepping out of the SUV, I shrugged in my black dress as I pulled my sweater over my shoulders and shut the door, waiting for Declan to round the front of the car. He caught my face and gave me a reassuring smile as he laced his fingers in mine and placed a kiss on my forehead. Sam, Nathan, Claire, and Maya all filtered out behind me and followed me to where everyone was waiting in the cemetary. My family was gathered around my mothers fresh grave, the pretty marble headstone I'd picked out placed neatly behind the open ground.

The preacher spoke for a while and then I stepped forward; it was my turn to speak. The lump in my throat grew larger as I spoke, and soon all that came out were little sobs. Declan was quickly by my side and his voice boomed through the crowd. He spoke with a hint of sadness to his voice his arm around me and his fingers caressing the back of my neck. As he finished, he pulled me into his chest and walked back with me into the crowd. Everyone smiling through tears at the amazing words he had to say about my mom.

"I know you miss her Nellie" My Uncle Luke said as he hugged me. "But it looks like she left you with a really amazing man"

I nodded, a true smile spreading across my face, "You're right, she absolutely did"

Saying my last goodbyes, I walked slowly over to Declan and the others who were playing with Charlotte. As soon as I got close enough they all, including Charlotte, engulfed me in an enormous hug, whispering their condolences. Happy tears then fell from my eyes as I realized how many amazing people she had left me with.

My eyes fluttered open, feeling Declans gaze on me, as I opened my eyes I saw his scruffy face above mine. Smiling, I lifted my head to head and let my lips softly graze his cheek, wrapping my arms around his neck.


"Get up" He murmured into my neck. "I want to take you somewhere for the day"

"What about Char-"

"Claire and Maya are watching her"

Not questioning him I crawled out from underneath him and made my way into the bathroom. I quickly showered and messed with my hair. Walking about in my towel I grabbed my favorite spring dress and slid it on. Dropping the towel, I slid it on while Declan stumbled into his shoes. He gave me his normal smirk that I hadn't seen in a few days as I grabbed my sandals and slipped them on.

The entire cab ride Declan was quiet, only making noise to goofily sing a song that was on the radio. He knew that would get an honest laugh from me and he was right. My fingers playfully ran along his forearm as the driver drove. As the cav came to a stop, my eyes finally saw where he had taken me, Coney Island. The island I used to go to with my family. My eyes shot to him and I quickly kissed him before sliding out of the cab.

My feet guided me down the rocks and quickly onto the sand. The grey sky mixed with the grey ocean in front of me. I felt at peace. Soon Declans muscular arms were wrapped around my from behind, and his lips lightly kissed at my neck.

"Surprise" he cooed.

"Declan Attwood" I said breathlessly.

He pulled me around and took hold of my hand, guiding me a bit further down the beach. Finding the perfect spot to watch the tide wash in and out, we both plopped down in the wet sand. I sank into his chest, just sitting in each other's happy presence. Soon I felt one of Declan's hands slip from me and to his pocket.

He pulled out a gorgeous little Chanel locket and opened it, showing me the little picture the was placeed inside of it, an old picture of me and my mom from my high school graduation.

Tears stung my eyes once agan seeing the small picture, before he closed it again and slipped it around my neck.

"This is to remind you how much I love you, no matter what happens" He spoke. "And how much she loves you, his proud of you, and always will"

I turned so I was now facing him with both of my hands on either side of his scruffy, scarred face, "Declan Attwood, you are the most amazing man in the entire world."

My lips were soon met with his as his arms engulfed me again. The two of us stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Neither one wanted to break away from the other, the beach was so calming and peaceful that it felt like I was never alone. But I knew that not matter how hard things got, we had each other to rely on.

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