Chapter 13

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"@Bittysbatter: Missing our guinea pig already. Sending lots of love your way Nellie xx"

I smiled sadly at the tweet from Claire as I put my iphone down on the counter in front of me, grabbing my beer bottle. I drank from it and looked at the TV screen where they were showing re-runs of Roswell, a show about a girl named Liz falling in love with an alien named Max. Roswell was one of the shows that I had to run home from school to watch, just because I wanted to know if Max and Liz would make it through all the obstacles they faced with people wanting to experiment on Max, like Michael and Isabel. I turned my head as I heard someone outside the front door. It opened and my mom, and Daisy appeared, looking extremely tired after what had probably been a long day.

Watching Declan and Charlotte walk onto their plane to Australia completly killed me. I had gotten so close with Declan, and Charlotte too. We shared smiles, and tears, but once they got on that plane they all disappeared.

Theres a phenomenon in the psychology community about why we remember bad memories more than good ones. Psychologists have wondered why we humans remember events such as 9/11 or Columbine more than how our boyfriend in highschool asked us out to prom or when we got our first A. To this day this phenomenon is still running around psychologists minds, but they haven't been able to catch it yet. Though I took psychology in my junior year of highschool, I never understood this phenomenon, but on May 30 at 10am, I finally understood.

I was in the shop with Claire and Maya, writing my most current screenplay which was a spin off of my life, as the shop was opening.


"Noelle? Sweetie I have some..I don't even know how to describe this type of news" my dad said, his voice obviously cracking.

"Dad, is everything alright? You're worrying me"

He deeply sighed and sniffed a little, "Mom has IBC, inflammatory breast cancer"

The glass filled with ice tea that I was holding in my hand fell out of my hand and shatttered onto the black tile floor of the shop. Claire and Maya instantly dropped what they were doing and looked my way. When I told them what happened, they both started tearing up, but stuck by my side the whole time I was on the phone.

"When did you guys find out?" I said with my broken voice.

"2 weeks ago" I dropped my head in my hands. "We wanted to make sure that it wasn't too serious, but then mom got worse and worse. We then found out that she had IBC. Your siblings and I, along with everyone else, have been taking turns taking her to get chemo"

"Oh my god. Is...Is...Is there anything that I can do?" I said through a broken voice.

"Dr. Francis, her doctor, said that he wasn't sure how much longer she has sweetie. But knowing the relationship you two have, seeing her only daughter might make her feel a little better"

The next thing I knew, I was on a plane back home to see my home who had very serious breast cancer.

Over the past couple of weeks, my mom had gotten worse. She was losing an immense amount of weight, had a double mastectomy, and the tumor had spread to her lungs. Dr. Francis said at her last chemo appointment that there was nothing else that could be done to help the cancer. All that we could do as a family was make my mom comfortable during her last days.

"Hey Daisy" I said and smiled weakly at my sister in law helping my mom back into the house, I helped get my mom's bed ready, and smiled weakly at my mom as she slid herself into her bed to rest. 

Daisy walked over to the kitchen counter and opened the stainless stell refrigerator. "I saved you some food" I said as Daisy grabbed the plate of enchiladas on it. Daisy smiled at me gratefully. "Thanks sweetie. I'm absolutely starving" She said as she took her sweater off her shoulders, letting it rest on the hard wooden chair's back. 

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