Chapter 6

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Shock was what I was in. Kyle Cohen, my boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me by telling me that our whole relationship was a lie.

I had to get the hell out of this apartment. I couldn't be in it one more minute, or I was going to explode like a bomb.

So I changed my clothes, then grabbed my purse and went for a walk to Claire and Maya's bakery in Soho.

The busy sidewalk outside my building was swallowing me whole as I pushed through the crowd with tear filled eyes. My heels of my boots clicked on the concrete sidewalk as I rushed to the nearest taxi. "Lafayette and Centre please. Bitty's Batter bakery" I said to the Indian cab driver.

"Oh Bitty's Batter! My daughter Sarika loves that place! We got her cake for her 12 birthday there this past weekend" He said before taking off into the nothingless mess that was New York City traffic.

"That's awesome. My 2 best friends actually own the shop"

"So does that mean you get free or a deal on the goods?" The driver smiled.

I laughed, "Always free...well I sneak some..I'm the official taste tester"

"The guinea pig?"

"Haha, yes"

Just a short 10 minutes later, we were in Soho, right in front of Bitty's Batter. "Here you are miss. Bitty's Batter"

"Thanks" I said with a smile as I reached in my purse for some money, to only realize that Kyle had taken all of my money when I was asleep this morning.

"I know this is rude to ask sir, but my ex-boyfriend took all of my money this morning after he broke up with me, bu-"

"Awe sweetheart, I'm sorry about that."

"Thanks" I smiled, "But I do have some coupons for the shop. Maybe you could get your daughter something?"

"That'd be great miss. Thank you so much"

"Tell Sarika I wish her a belated happy birthday" I said before getting out of the cab. "Will do miss!"

"Here goes nothing" I sighed.

Inside the shop owned by my 2 closest friends since highschool, I saw something I didn't want to see after what happened this morning.

It was breaking my heart to watch Claire and Maya sitting across the counter from their boyfriends Nathan Tucker and Sam Foley. All I wanted to do was run away and cry in a corner, but I hadn't seen any of them since I left for Danny and Layla's wedding.

The front door of the shop jingled as I opened, startling everyone inside it.

"Nellie!!!" Claire and Maya screamed as the ran into me, almost strangling me from their hugs.

"Now girls, let baby Nath and I see the girl, we haven't seen her in a while either!" Sam smiled reaching for a hug from me.

"Hey Sam" I said quietly as I was embraced by his built body.

"Haha, very funny man. Let me see her!!" Nathan said, pushing Sam out of the way to give me a hug.

"Nellie, its been nice seeing you again, but Sam and I have got to get ready for some surprises tonight for you girls"

"Okay babe, see you tonight" Maya said before she and Claire kissed their men goodbye.

"How was the wedding Nellie? Was it gorgeous? I bet it was, the New Mexican sun is gorgeous. What did Layla's dress look like? What did Danny wear? What did you wear as a bridesmaid? OOh! What did the shoes look like?" Claire asked as I took a seat at one of the pink tables. I didn't respond, I just kept my gaze locked at the black tile floor. "Nellie?" She asked again, and I didn't respond again.

Out of the top of my gaze, I watched Maya tap Claire on the shoulder to break her gaze from making some tea, to focus on the sad expression of my face.

"Nellie? Is everything alright? You look like you're on the verge of tears?" Maya asked as she brought three cups of tea over to the table I was at, and as Claire sat next to me.

I didn't respond.

"Nellie, you know you can tell us anything right?" Maya said, reaching for my conjoined hands that were in my lap.

I looked up at Maya, then at Claire, and said with a broken voice, "Kyle broke up with me. He said that our whole relationship was a rebound to get over his childhood sweet heart that he was with before he met me."

"Awe babe" Was the last thing I heard before I could hear Maya and Claire get up to hug me as I cried lightly.

"You know what Nellie?" Claire said as Maya went to grab some tissues from the back room.

"What?" I sniffled.

"Honestly, I never really liked Kyle, something always about him"

"Preach it girl! Preach it!" Maya said as she came back with tissues, making a smile reappear on my face.

"You don't need that dick head sweetie. You deserve so much more, and better than him. Hopefully with the New Year coming, you can find someone new" Maya said with a smile as she rubbed my back.

"Thanks guys" I smiled before giving them both hugs.

"Wait...What did you two just say?" I bugged my eyes out.

"Tonight's New Years eve Noelle. Sam and Nathan are taking us somewhere tonight. You forgot?" Claire asked.

"Shit! Yeah! I have absolutely nothing to wear Claire! Nothing!!" I began to pase up and down the shop, probably bringing attention to myself from the people passing by.

"Girl, calm down! We have to go shopping any way, neither of us have anything to wear. So do you want to go out in a little bit and shop at Pixie down the street?" Maya asked as she went to grab her coat along with Claires, and the key's to the shop.


"Yeah Claire?"

"Why don't you move in with Maya and the boys and I? We have an extra bedroom anyway...well your old room, and I don't think you'd want to stay in the apartment that you had with Kyle"

"That sounds great after the shitty morning I've had" I smiled as I followed them out of the shop and onto the street

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