Chapter 22

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The one thing Declan hated was to see me cry, knowing I was hurt made him die inside, and sick to his stomach. But what's worse is knowing that he, well his mom, is the one that caused my pain. Tears filled his eyes too, knowing he screwed up big time by giving his mom my number. When we had gotten back to the hotel I had a message left on my phone from his mom, who said some pretty hurtful things, things like I was a bad example for Charlotte, I was bound to cheat on Declan because I'm in the media business, and that I was going to abuse Charlotte just like Mindy did. 

"Just forget it Dec, I'm sure your mom's right, I'm no where near the Stepford wife type of woman that she wants for you. I will also never be as good of a mother as Zoe would have been you're right..." I let a couple of tears fall before turning away from him, with pain in my eyes. 

Declan gulped before pulling me near him, "Hey....I didn't mean that. I'm so sorry....please don't cry. My mom doesn't know shit about you or Charlotte, she can forget about me, because I only have love for one girl other than my daughter that's 3,000 miles away right now. You. Please forgive me" He whispered cupping my face, and looking at me with pleading eyes. 

"Oh no....please don't cry.." He frowned and upon seeing me cry again, he kissed me softly.

"I'm so sorry, I love you. I love you I love you I love you" He gushed, kissing me once again

I woke up in Declan's arms just like every other morning, this morning he had to get back home to see Charlotte's dance recital and to continue planning parts of the wedding, particulary the food. I on the other hand still had filming to do for Thanks To You and wasn't leaving till late tonight with Sam, Nathan, Claire, and Maya.

Declan and I layed there in bed and talked for hours. "Babe, do you want a cup of tea or something to eat before you leave for shooting and I leave to go home? We will starve here if we lay here for anohther two hours" Declan said with is morning voice that always drove me crazy.

"No, just a couple more minutes..I'm not ready to get up yet" I said as he hugged me more tightly.

"But I don't want you to miss call time for shooting, for christs sake you're the director! And I sure as don't want to miss my flight for back home and miss Frankies gorgeous face!" He said causing the both of us to chuckle, as he layed me down on the other side of the bed, loosenly himself from my grasp and getting up finally.

I quickly grabbed his hand. "No, stay" I said, but he was already up and shook me hand off his.

"Nellie, I'm serious. You need something to eat so get up and let's go to the kitchen. I'll make you something" He smiled and looked at me reaction which was a huge smile.

"No Dec. I'm going to make some food and you are going to stay here because if I let you go to the kitchen I'm sure you will burn down the hotel"  I said and walked into the kitchen to make some food, Declan joining me in the middle of the cooking with his shirt off to distract me. 

"Great eggs Nellie" Declan winked with a mouth full. "Nellie?" I heard him say, and I looked at him with a sad expression on my face. I got up and walked into our room because I wanted time alone to think about everything, the wedding, and our future together. I sat on the bench by the bay window, looking out to the Thames River, when I felt Declan's finger's run through my hair.

"What's wrong love? I thought you were having a good time here" He said a bit worried.

"I'm just sad...I don't want you to leave me again alone" I said, letting a couple of tears stream down my face. "Babe don't cry. I wouldn't go if I could, but I can't. Claire, Nathan, Sam and Maya will keep you company till you come home tonight. 18 hours will fly by really fast, just like these past 6 months have" I calmed down and buried my face against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Just promise me one thing Dec" "What?" "That you'll miss me?" I smiled coyly. "I'll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies

Dec was really upset at Heathrow, he didn't want to let me go, neither did I. We remained in each others arms the entire time because I hated the fact that I wouldn't see him till late tonight, and not be able to ask Charlotte about her recital. We sat in the waiting area, with my head rested against his shoulder while he held his arm around me.

"Dec don't go" I muttered, knowing what I was saying was useless, yet I had to say them. I helt his hold get tighter, bringing me closer to him, he knelt his head down to rest on mine, "I don't want to Noelle. I would do anything for you to come home with me. I'm gonna miss you a lot" He whispered softly. 

I then felt a droplet fall onto my head, it was all getting very emotional. Everything seemed to go in fast forward as we stayed at normal speed. Watching the other couples say goodbye to each other, young and old, didn't make me feel better.

Declan and I had left each other for work before but this time felt different, was it because we were getting married in 2 months? Not sure, but it totally sucked.

I looked up at him with water also in my eyes, I managed to wipe away the rolling tear that was making its way down his cheek. 

I then leant in to plant a soft, tender kiss on to his, something to remember me by.  

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