Chapter 4

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For the past 10 minutes, I was taking turns saying heart felt goodbye's to my siblings, their spouses, and parents. 

For every one of my brothers, I held onto them for as long as I could, nuzzling my head into their neck, trying to take in the scent of their cologne, so I wouldn't forget them.

I held tight on my sister Amanda, wrapping my arms around her waist, hoping that somehow I could never let go.

Then came Layla and Daisy. 

I ran into Daisy's arms. She was the one who was like a sister to me before I met Amanda when I was younger. When I'd stay at her house, she was the one that I could talk to in the morning about boys, clothes, and anything girly with her, with our cups of coffee.

Then it was Layla's turn. When I was 16, my parents took me to visit the University of New Mexico campus with Layla, because she had gone there. She spent about 2 hours showing us around the campus. I can solely say that I owe my whole career to her because she let me realize UNM was my dream school. The school that helped me get writing jobs for ABC, NBC, and independent films. 

My parents where next. My mom was a complete reck, as my Dad was being her rock, as usual. 

I watched them get up and walk towards me, but I beat them to it by colliding into them for a three way hug.

"Thank...thank you sooo much. Both of you...for everything. Mom, thank you for finding such a wonderful man that has taken care of us for years, and Dad. Thank you for being my true Dad. The Dad I was destined to have" I watched my mom use her sleeve to wipe my tears. 

"Mija, you were always my daughter. Forever and always. Familia Siempre" My dad kissed me on the forehead before backing away to leave me and my mom to ourselves. 

"Sweetheart I am so proud of everything you've done. Please call me when you land? Oh! And Tell Claire and Maya that the rice crispies, and cakes were delicious!"

"Sure mom" I laughed as I brought her in for one last hug. 

I then bent down and grabbed my suitcase. Then as getting back up I looked at my whole family stretched out in front of me. 

I was one lucky lady. 

Then I was off, though I wanted to look back, I didn't. Dad always said to never do that because it made it harder to leave. 

As I strolled through the New Mexico airport, I thought of how I truly now have a home. I could always come back to New Mexico. It was home and always will be home. 

Eventually, I managed to get through all of the security check, and I boarded the plane.

I found my seat and found that the seat next to me was occupied by a guy with light brown hair and blue eyes. 

"Hey, I'll be sitting next to you for this flight" I joked, trying to sound cute, because this guy certainly was. 

"Oh hey!" The guy said as he took out an ear bud. "My names Declan, what's yours?"

"I'm Noelle, my family call's me Nellie" 

"Like the lochness monster?" The guy smiled, trying not to laugh.

"Haha yes Declan" I laughed. 

"Why are you going to New York City if I may ask Noelle?"

"I actually live there with my two friends who own a bakery. What about you?" 

"I was at a family reunion in Albequerque. But I'm actually going to the big apple because my fiance and I are going to the bakery that's making our cake. 

Damn, he's engaged. 

"So where's the misses then?" I smiled, taking off my sip of coke.

"In New York, she left early so she could find her dress too"

"Wow! That's swell. Good luck with everything Declan" 

"Thank you Nellie" He said as he stuck his other ear bud in his ear, tilted back his head to sleep, giving me a smirk. 

I couldn't help but giggle like a little school girl. 

And with that, the plane rattled down the runway, I plugged in my Marc Jacobs headphone and turned on my phone. I turned my music up to full volume and let the music relax me as the New Mexican mountains that I've loved for as long as I could remember, get smaller and smaller as we disappeared into the clouds. 

Eventually I found myself drifting into the nothingness that was sleep. 

When I eventually woke up again, the sound of You love me by Kelly Clarkson was pounding through my pink headphones. 

And then an annoucement blared out over the loudspeakers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now preparing to land. Please return to your seats. The seatbelt sign has no been switched on"

As the plane dropped gracefully out of the sky to land at New York's Laguardia Aiport, I said goodybe to Declan and we swapped phone numbers so we could keep in touch. 

As soon as I stepp into the airport from the plane my head was filled with the buzzing of all the New Yorkers and tourists chatting around me. I was being shoved left and right as the crowd moved around me. Gripping onto my bag that was loosely slung over my shoulder, I heard my phone ring.

Kyle Cohen, my white iphone's screen read.

"Hey babe! Where are you?" I said to my boyfriend of 4 years. 

"Just come to baggage" Kyle said, and then the phone call ended. 

Kyle was always one for suprises, so hopefully this was one. 

"Kyle!" I shouted running at him with a huge smile on my face. His smile was priceless too. I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, and held him tightly, not letting go. Once he set me down, I looked into his gorgeous green eyes, "Hello mister" "How you doing?" He said making small talk as he handed me a bouquet of pink roses. I buried my head into his chest as he pecked my head lovingly. Kyle the njust about kissed every part of my face. 

"Uhm Kyle what are you doing?" I questioned, giggling slightly. "Making sure you're real babe"

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