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it was now lunch time, i'm currently waiting in line to buy my food. as usual the cafeteria is always too noisy for me so i planned to eat in the building's rooftop once i got my food.

"buffalo wings and orange juice" the lady behind the counter prepared my order and once it's done i handed her the payment.

turning around to go to the rooftop, a group of rowdy girls bumped into me causing for my food to stumble down on the floor. i actually want to let it pass but because it's my food that we are talking about plus the attitude that i needed to show them, i intimidatingly cocked an eyebrow at the girls.

they kept nudging each other probably asking the other one what to do. the short haired girl in front, shakily bowed her head "i'm sorry, i'll just buy you a new one"

letting out a deep breath, i rolled my eyes. i turned around and quickly bought a new orange juice and handed it to the girl, she confusingly eyed the juice and back to me who's now wearing a smirk "pour it to that specific girl who bumped into me"

by now, we were surrounded by the students in the cafeteria. some jerks were enjoying the scene, some were pitifully looking at the group of girls and some were unbothered.

the short headed girl, turned to her friend not knowing what to do. i clicked my tounge, irked at the unmoving scene before me. i grabbed the cup of orange juice from her hand and heavy heartedly splashed it at the other girl.

gasped was heard all around us but despite feeling bad for what i did i acted like i couldn't care less, i turned to the short headed girl "you're too slow" i gave off a smirk before leaving the scene.

once i'm completely out of their sight, i let go of the breath that i didn't know i've been holding.

leaning on the cold wall of the rooftop, i closed my eyes. i wonder when will i ever remove this mask that i'm wearing all the time. i feel so bad for those people that i treated harshly, i hope one day i'll be able to say sorry to them but i know that they won't easily forgive me for the things that i've done and will still do to them.

"here" the sound of a quite familiar voice woke me up from my thoughts, when i turned around i saw sunghoon.

he handed me a sandwich and juice that he perhaps bought in the cafeteria before going here.

"thanks" i took the food in his hand and started eating it.

sunghoon is my cousin, his house is just next to mine but we are not close. we may talk but only for a few minutes because we run out of topic so easily, sometimes we just don't have energy to talk.

i rarely go out of the house, i am a house and school person, when there are people or guests in our house i go to sunghoon's because that's what my parents tell me. i can just stay in my room but they insisted that i should go to sunghoon's.

"your birthday is in a few months, the people will find out that you are the park's daughter" his voice didn't showed any emotion.

i'm the daughter-well adopted daughter-of one of the famous and successful businessman, they told me that my identity will be public on my debut which is in a few months like what sunghoon said. my father wants me to take over the company after i graduated high school, i don't need to go to college that's what he said. i'm actually fine with the plan of me getting in business world, it's not like i already planned my future.

nervous? of course i am. i'm not nervous about the thought of working in a big company but more like nervous for the up coming birthday party. there'll be a lot of people who are also in the business. i'm knowledgeable when it comes to handling a company, i know how to act like a professional but i still couldn't help but to feel nervous and of course to worry. i don't want to disappoint my parents and i'm scared that i might do something stupid.

"you'll be fine" we may not be close and sunghoon may be really shy but he knows when to say comforting words.

and as if on cue after he finished his phrase the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

he stood up first and then lend me his hands which i took as a support in standing up. brushing the nonexistent dust off my skirt, we both exited the rooftop.

when we're in the last step of the stairs he turned around and raised his hand with a number two on it. nodding my head understandingly, he walked out of the staircase and i waited for a few moments before following him making sure that we're both maintaining a two meter distance away from each other.

students shouldn't know yet that me and sunghoon are cousins, his father is also a well-known businessman and people know that his father is my father's brother. they will find out that i'm the park's daughter if they also find out that me and sunghoon are cousins.

sunghoon and i aren't classmates so we had to part ways when he's already standing in front of his classroom door which is just beside me. he glanced at me, secretly giving me a thumbs up before fully entering his classroom as i did the same.

it wasn't that long when our art teacher finally showed up in front of the class, explaining our project for the month.

"you need to take a picture with/of your partner and make a scrapbook, showing different beautiful and enjoyable places to go here in seoul or if you're able to go in other province you can also put the picture in the scrapbook but i'm not forcing you. in the scrapbook make sure to put the place, time and date also write down a little description about the place; what you enjoyed doing there, why do you think people should go there, what's the best part of the place and so on" mr. kim explained

he looked at our attendance sheet perhaps planning on who to partner to who. "since you have an odd number the same as the class a-2, i'll partner one of you to one of the students there"

with that he started calling out the names of the students who are partnered with this project. my name wasn't mentioned yet and i know i'm gonna be chosen to be partnered up with the students in class a-2, sunghoon's in there and i hope luck is with me today but alas. "park y/n with sim jake in class a-2, i'll just inform him that you'll be his partner"

out of all people, out of all students why does it have to be fucking him?

sim jake again, tsk...

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