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jabbers, that was what i kept on hearing the moment i hopped out of the car.

it's funny how the story of what really happened got reciprocated. they're talking about how i am a slut for liking both sunghoon and jake when i don't even like any of them and that i am such a pathetic person for hurting someone just because of the two boys when it's not even me who started it, it was also me who received a lot of bruises that girl only have one.

their words were like a knife, slowly stabbing me in the heart. they always talk behind my back but this time they're letting me hear those hurtful words.

i'm already in front of my classroom but a particular words echoed through my ear,

"maybe her mom is a slut too"

the hallway resounded with gasps because in a swift the girl who said that 'maybe my mom is a slut too' was now pushed on the wall, my hands on her collar the knuckles of it slowly turning white and my eyes looking at her in vexation.

"say that again" vicious was lacing in my tone, the blank look on my face screams menace. "fucking say that again!"

tears were forming in the girl's eyes, her lips and hands are shaking. "y-your mom m-might be a s-slut too"

i retracted her back from the wall and harshly pushed her towards her group, making her fell down on the floor. she's sliding backwards every time i took a step forward.

squatting down on her level, my hands moved to tuck the strands of her hair behind her ear. i leaned closer and whispered "do you want me to call the owner of the company where mr. cha is working at and tell the ceo to fire your father?"

fishing out my phone in my pocket, i showed her that i was dialing a number. i was completely out of mind, the words that i heard earlier made me really furious. how dare she talk like she knows my mother, my biological or adoptive mother.

"y/n, please no! my father will lose his job, please no!" she bewailed whilst gripping on my legs. i know her father since i saw her in our company twice visiting him.

before i could even say a thing, a hand snatched my arms taking me away from the scene.

i heaved a relief sigh when we are now inside the building's rooftop. i didn't bother looking at the person because i'm sure it was sunghoon, i walked towards the railings of the rooftop feeling the morning breeze.

"thank you, if you weren't there to drag me out of the scene i might've done something that i might regret after." sunghoon remained quiet so i took that as a sign to continue, "can you tell the teacher that i'm sick, i don't want to attend class today" turning around, rather than seeing the person i'm expecting to see the person standing before me was the least that i expected to be here.


"i already texted the teacher to excuse the both of us" he said showing me his phone before putting it inside his pocket as he walked near me, leaning on the railings "wanna go somewhere?"

"no thanks" but jake didn't listen, he held my wrist and once again dragged me but this time out of the school completely.

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