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one last subject and i'm finally done. writing the answers to every questions quickly, i managed to finished my homework in biology in a span of minutes.

putting my head on the desk, i took the opportunity to also stretch my arms. when i sat up straight again i started cleaning my things that were scattered on the coffee table, after putting it all in my bag my stomach started to scream for food.

i forced myself to stood up and went downstairs to check the fridge for food but there's none. there's no one in the house that i can ask to buy food for me and i can't order too. sighing, i proceeded to open my phone when it buzzed.

>> y/n i forgot to ask our
maids to do groceries before
they leave

it's okay mom <<

>> just go to sunghoon's if
u're hungry

i'll just go eat outside <<

>> no, i already texted
sunghoon. the kid might wait
for u

okay, fine <<

putting my phone in my pocket, i made went out of the house and marched towards sunghoon's.

i rang the doorbell of their house and waited for him to open it, within a minute the door before me bursted open revealing sunghoon.

"mom told me to go here" i said whilst fiddling with my fingers

"come in, there are foods in the fridge just cook whatever you want" i entered inside their house as he closed the door behind, he pointed at the direction of the kitchen earning a nod from me.

i've been here a lot of times but i still feel kind of shy to move freely around their house. i hesitantly opened the fride, "what do you want to eat?"

"samgyeopsal...?" sunghoon replied, nodding my head i took out everything i need and started cooking "need a hand?"

"nah, it's okay"

it wasn't that long when i finished cooking, the two of us sat in front of each other silently devouring our dinner. this is normal for us, being in a room together without talking. we don't get awkward with it, we're both used to it.

after spending good minutes of eating dinner, sunghoon insisted to wash the dishes and i don't have a choice but to let him be. he told me to go here in the living room so i went here and watch whatever is playing on the tv.

the doorbell of the house suddenly rang making me look at the door blankly. i hesitated whether to open it or not but sunghoon asked me to open it. i stood up from my seat and turned the knob of the door opening it, as i do so my eyes grew immensely wide at the sight in front of me "park y/n?!"

i was silently staring at the guys standing before me not really knowing what to do, luckily sunghoon came out from the kitchen "y/n, who's there?" i turned around to see sunghoon and when he saw the guys his eyes also grew big "g-guys, why are you...here?"

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