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he's intently looking at her, like what everyone says if looks could kill then she would probably be on the ground by now, dead.

"i told you to pick it up" he gritted his teeth, menace was evidently written on his face

she's mirroring his expression right now and with a sneer she talked back, "who do you think am i? your maid?"

"i have the rights to tell you to pick my things that are now scattered on the floor because you're the one who bumped into me" he clicked his tounge, clearly irritated at the girl in front of him

she crossed her arms in front of her chest, "for your information, i wouldn't have bumped into you if only you listened when i told you to move because you're on my way"

"you could've adjusted!" he couldn't help but to shout

"why are you shouting?!" she asked with a raised of tone

"but you're also shouting!"

"because you shouted at me first!"

students are now gathered up around the two who are clearly causing a scene.

he's about to say something again but one of his friends beat him to it, "jake, we'll be late for class. and the teacher my caught you two"

the girl was merely confused as to why jake just won't pick his things up and accept her apology, that simple. this boy must be stupid, she thought.

but unfortunately, before they could even separate ways a teacher already came "ms. park and mr. sim, principal's office now. and you students go back to your class, stop being so nosy"

y/n could only sigh at the thought of her going to the principal's office especially with jake.

the two are neither friends nor enemies. it was actually their first time crossing paths with each other despite seeing the other one all the time they never talked until earlier when they both bumped into each other.

"this is your fault" jake whispered to y/n as they both walked towards the principal's office tailing behind their teacher.

"excuse me" she turned to jake with one eyebrow raised

"you're excused" the guy shortly answered

"that has been used so many times" she replied silencing jake after realizing that she was right, a lot of people already used the line "you're excused" whenever someone say "excuse me" in an argument.

after walking for a few minutes, they finally arrived at the principal's office. both sitting down on the chairs in front of the principal.

"what happened?" asked the principal

"they were fighting in the hallway" the teacher was the one who replied

the principal nodded his head before looking at the two teenagers before him, "okay, i won't ask for details but as a punishment you two will clean the gym after class and if this happens again i will need to talk to your parents"

the two didn't have any choice but to nod their head.

after that they both went back to their classroom, waiting for the school to end.

hours had passed, y/n and jake were both holding a cleaning materials. y/n is cleaning at the other side of the gym while jake is at the other side, maintaining safe distance as what they talked about.

"keep at least 3 meters away from me" jake said earlier before they started cleaning.

it was silent but they don't mind it, they both prepare doing their things in a quiet surrounding. they were too engrossed in cleaning the gym that they already forgot the time.

y/n checked her wrist watch and noticed that it's already past 5 in the afternoon. she quickly grabbed everything that she used and placed it back to where she got them. jake immediately catched up to y/n's action thinking that it's time to go home so he as well put back everything in place.

the two once again bumped into each other on the way to the gym's door. with a sigh, jake opened the door and before going out he made sure to leave some words to y/n.

"let's not talk to each other again"

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