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after class, i called my driver not to pick me up from school because i'll take a quick stroll before going home in which he gladly agreed on.

when i went inside our house, i heard a muffled voice of people talking from the kitchen. the voices getting louder and footsteps can also be heard.

my mind kept on telling that it was just my parents hence, i sat down on the couch tying my long hair in a messy bun.

"mom!" i called out "i bought you a small music box playing your wedding song and father i also bought your favorite bread"

i stood up, facing them whilst carrying the things that i bought for them but then i was bemused at the sight of another family standing beside my parents.

oh shoot, i'm doomed.

with a shocked face, i slowly turned to my father who's looking at me with the same expression as mine which shocked me more because in this kind of situation i'm expecting him to be mad not to be shock.

the man beside my father that looks like the same age as him cleared his throat about to say something but got interrupted, "y/n? what are you doing here?"

when i looked at the owner of the voice, i saw jake with a confused face "j-jake, uhm y-you what are you d-doing here?"

"well, mr. and mrs. park invited us for dinner. how about you?" not knowing what to answer, i looked at both of my parents asking for help using my eyes.

my father walked towards me and put a hand on my back, "this is unexpected but please meet my daughter, y/n"

my eyes automatically turned to jake who's eyes are wide opened, "y/n...is your daughter?"

i'm laying on my bed waiting for the sleepiness to take in me. earlier jake find out that i am mr. and mrs. park's daughter, they told jake to keep it a secret and he just nodded his head. luckily, my father was in a good mood and didn't scold or get mad at me he only said to be more careful next time.

jake and his parents also went home after that introduction.

right now i'm just staring at the ceiling when my phone suddenly buzzed. jake

>> so didn't told me that you are the park's daughter

bcoz it's a secret <<

>> but now it's not

not my fault <<

>> u just suddenly showed up
>> ur father looked as surprised as us

i wasn't informed <<
now leave me alone <<

>> hmp fine, gn

"can you hurry up?" jake commanded the girl that's kneeling down in front of him. she didn't obey him, rather she slowed down her move purposely making him annoyed.

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