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it's friday, the last day of weekdays. i remembered what happened the day before yesterday, hyerin and those other girls blackmailed me to avoid the boys and here they are surrounding the 7 poor guys just to flirt with them.

lunch time and i stayed inside the classroom, jake and sunghoon went out. they keep on asking me why i am ignoring them and i keep on pushing them away either saying that i'm just tired or remain silent.

voices were heard from outside causing me to look up and saw the other guys with hyerin and her chickadees. the guys are entering inside the classroom with the girls just following them.

oh gosh, i don't know what to do anymore.

"ni-ki can you please marry me?" i silently snorted at what i heard coming from the girl areum. ni-ki's still a baby for pete's sake!

"can you not? sunoo's much more prettier than you, you actually look like my dog's flea" ni-ki irritatingly rolled his eyes and moved next to sunoo to lock his arm with his hyung.

i had to bit my lips harder to stop myself from bursting out in laughing that i already tasted a metal taste on my mouth which i know came from my lips that is already bleeding from too much biting.

"how about you jungwon, do you want to get married?" jessica flirtatiously asked.

jungwon raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes, "zombies are much prettier than you so no"

pressing my lips together, i placed my head on my arms to hide my face also to stop myself from laughing.

their conversation continued to the point that when i peeked they are still on the same position, weren't able to go here near my chair.

the look on the guys' faces says that they are beyond irritated and annoyed by the continuously flirting of the girls.

"jake, i don't want you to think that i'm taking this fast so instead of asking you to marry me i am asking you to date me" i looked up when i heard hyerin's sickeningly high pitch voice.

jake turned to me and met my eyes but i quickly looked away and just waited for him to say something, "are you park y/n? no? okay, then i won't"

my heart stopped beating for a second and when i felt that it's already beating again it almost plunged out of my chest. i was trying my best not to smile, my assuming self entered my body system once again.

"i'm better than y/n though" i heard hyerin answered.

"i know who's better for me and it's not you" jake retorted.

"why don't we ask y/n if she likes you back?" i sighed as i looked up to see their faces.

the maknaes are mouthing me to say yes and the older guys are just looking at me while jake his eyes tells me that he is hoping. the girls couldn't hide their smirk and hyerin keep on sending me death glares.

the classroom was filled with silence as they wait for me to say something, to answer the question that has just been asked.

it's not like jake like me too right? he just said those words earlier for hyerin to leave him alone.

with a blank expression on my face, i turned to jake "sorry jake i don't like you that way"

jake was just staring at me and i can in his eyes the disappointment, why? the maknaes were pouting, the other guys were just looking at me and back to jake.

silence yelled at us once more, but jake decided to break it with his words "doesn't matter, i can make you like me" i heard a gasped from the girls and jake turned to hyerin "this heart only screams y/n's name"

y/n can't take it anymore, she felt like her heart will explode in any minute. she grabbed her bag and sprinted out of the classroom leaving the group of students inside.

jake on the other hand, followed her in hopes to clear something he wanted to clear. he knows that y/n was lying when she said she doesn't like the lad that way. assuming or not, jake felt like y/n reciprocates the feeling he have for the girl.

she's already in front of the gate but jake was fast enough to stop her from exiting the school premises. y/n turned around and saw jake.

"what?" with a cold tone she asked

"y/n, say that you're lying when you said you don't like me that way" jake was breathing hard from all the running that he made just to be able to catch up with y/n.

she's trying her best not to blush because the view before her is heaven. jake with his hair a little wet from sweat and a beads of sweat running down his forehead and some around his neck, y/n thought he was really hot.

she wanted to wipe those sweats but couldn't, y/n shook the thoughts away and focused on what's really happening.

"jake, i told you the truth. i don't like you that way" hurt, they were both hurt.

jake was hurt with the words that y/n just told him and y/n was hurt because she can see him hurting and it's because of her.

"no, y/n. that's not the truth, i know that's not the truth" he desperately held into her hands, wanting to hear her say that she was just joking or that she was just pranking him but the next thing y/n did made his heart crashed into tiny pieces.

y/n shook her head, removing jake's hands on hers. she wanted to tell jake that she really do like him but she doesn't want to fail in protecting her father as well as sunghoon and his family.

"jake, i'm sorry. it's better if you stay away from me and just accept the truth that i don't like you"

when he finally let her hand go, she turned her back towards her and tarrily exited the school.

jake was standing there watching y/n, the girl he loves, walk away from him. he wish he could change her mind or her to at least give him a chance to show her his feelings.

the last sentences that y/n told him lives in his mind, damn that hurts.

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