𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 22

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𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗?
𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢
𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚗?

ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ - ᴡᴀʏᴠ ᴋᴜɴ & xɪᴀᴏᴊᴜɴ

Haechan arrived back at his apartment to see Jaemin in the kitchen busy with breakfast

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Haechan arrived back at his apartment to see Jaemin in the kitchen busy with breakfast . "Ya since when do you just stay out all night without saying anything?!" Jaemin scolded.

"You knew where I was," Haechan replied coldly as he walked towards his room wanting to sleep the day away again .

"Uh Haechan , you should know-" Jaemin began as he walked after him, soon realizing he was too late when he saw Haechan frozen in the doorway. "Did you let her in?" He asked Jaemin, who stood frozen slightly.

"I still have your spare key baby" Soojin replied, "she was here when I woke up" Jaemin said before leaving the two alone.

"Get out?" He said and Soojin just layed down on his bed making herself comfortable.

"Tell me Haechanie why you weren't here when I got here this morning , or why you suddenly aren't bruised anymore" Soojin said , annoyance laced in her tone.

Haechan said nothing as he walked into his bathroom and began washing his face.

"Did you go to her last night?" Soojin asked, leaning against the door frame , "how many times have you done it before ?" She added when she still hadn't gotten a reply.

"Yah im talking to you" she said hitting his arm , Haechan's shot her a warning glance but still said nothing .

When suddenly Soojin burst into tears , "I came back here to apologize and ask you to forgive me and then what do I get ? You cheating in return! I can believe you."

She stormed out of the bathroom , Haechan sighed before walking after her , "Soojin wait" he said, causing her to stop in her tracks .

"No Haechan , this is honestly what I get after everything?!" , "You cheated too," he said quickly . "It was a one time thing , I don't know what you heard but it was a mistake at that party and he was just there so I could end it all" she defended herself.

"Yea shirtless" Haechan commented , Soojin's eyes closed as tears began falling , " I was ending it all for you and then you turn and do this , you said you'd never leave me" she cried.

"I'm done Haechan , you always do this to me , and every time I just take you back , I'm tired of not being your number one priority. I'm tired of the broke promises and I'm tired of looking stupid and pretending we have this perfect relationship" she said before throwing his keys at him , which he swiftly caught, and then storming out.

Haechan stood in confusion as he watched her leave . He ran his hands through his hair before taking off his shirt and heading to shower.


"What time do you finish today ?" A voice asked, causing you to look up from the paperwork you were busy with . Haechan stood leaning onto the counter still sweaty from his work out.

You looked over at the clock suddenly realizing the time , "in about 30 minutes , why ?" You asked . "I wanted to offer you a ride to say thank you for last week" he said and you almost had to physically stop your face from seeming too shocked .

"Uh yea okay , thank you" you said , Haechan simply winked at you before walking over to a nearby chair to sit and wait for you.

You finished the paperwork before heading into the staff room to pack up your things , "I'll see you tomorrow Nana" you said , "heard Haechan's giving you a ride ?" He asked as he too packed his bag . "Yea I guess , he's been acting weird since last week" you shrugged while Nana just chuckled. "Maybe because this is the longest his been away from Soojin" Jaemin said before walking over to hug you.

"Don't complain though , nice Haechan is very rare so appreciate it" he said leaving the room.

You walked out a few minutes later , Haechan stood up before stretching his hand out . You eyed it wearily , "give me your bag" he said and you raised a brow . You slowly slid it off your shoulder before giving it to him. He tossed it over his shoulder lightly before walking towards the door causing you to quickly jog after him.

He tossed your bag with his onto the back seat before opening the door for you. "Oh wow Haechanie can be nice after all" you teased getting into the car.

"You can rather call me Donghyuck than that" he said coldly as he reversed out of the parking lot with one hand on the steering wheel.

"Okay then , Donghyuck thanks for the ride" you said purposely to annoy him. He shot you a side eye before focusing on the road again.

"So how do you normally get home after a shift?" he asked a question he already knew the answer to since Jaemin had come home many times talking about dropping you off.

"I normally split a cab with Jaemin or Mark will come get me" you shrugged . "You should get a car, it'll save you money " he said nonchalantly.

"I mean that requires money and I'm not loaded like Mark ... and apparently you" you said now only taking in the interior of the expensive car.

"I'm not rich but my mom got me this for my birthday " he said , "what work do your parents do that you're able to afford that apartment with Mark then" he asked . "They're in the mafia , but Mark's mom covers most of the rent since they-" "sell diamonds I know" Haechan cut you off.

"Wait did you say mafia?!" Haechan snapped his head before you started laughing, "nah I'm just kidding it's nothing that exciting" you shrugged.

"So how are things with Soojin?" You asked your tone clearly giving away how nervous you were to bring it up .

" well you were right about Jungwoo and her '' he said , "I'm sorry Dong-Haechan '' you corrected yourself . "So did you guys end things? '' you asked and he smirked at you . "Why ? Are you going to shoot your shot if I'm single ?" He asked and you pulled your face in disgust. "No I'm just asking" , "uh Uhm honestly I don't know what's going on with us right now" he said.

"Would you honestly consider still being with her after all that?" You sounded more shocked than you had hoped for. "We've been together for a long time Aera and there's a lot of history to have to deal with" is all he said as he pulled up to your apartment .

"Thanks again for the ride Hyuck" you said and quickly got out before he could complain at the name.

Haechan sat in the car as he watched you walk into the apartment building , your words replaying in his head.

Before he knew what was happening he was knocking on Soojin's door.

She opened it , "Haechan ?" She was confused by his presence after not seeing him for the last week.

He reached forward , hand carefully cupping her face before connecting their lips .

"I'm so sorry , I'll never leave you," he said.

"I'm so sorry , I'll never leave you," he said

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