Chapter Seven: Kylo

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I layed next to him, as he fell asleep in his new bed and even though we didn't know each other for a long time, I could already tell that we were going to be great friends.
I woke up to the sound of Tyson walking around the planet and exploring, and when I got up, he quickly noticed, and turned around then started flying towards me, and landed in my arms.
Later that day, we would have contests to see who could blow up the most space junk to entertain ourselves.
I went first, and used my Linosyx powers, which are basically laser things in each of my fingers, and each finger has a different Linyx; some are ice lasers, water, fire, lava, lightning, and more.
Basically, Lynosyx powers are just the elements in each of my fingers.
I blasted my lava Linyx at a dead star, and it Burst into flames almost immediately!
Next, it was Tyson's turn.
He spotted a large falling star heading our way, and he got ready.
He took a big breath in, and held it as it was coming closer.
Then, out of his little mouth, he began to blow a pretty light blueish fire.
The fire melted a hole right through the rock, and then burst into like, a million pieces!
I gave that win to Tyson, because he clearly deserved it.
I was eventually planning on going back to earth to defeat my father, and stop him from doing whatever it was that he was planning, but I still needed to perfect all of my powers, but with new ones popping up so frequently, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to perfect them in time.
I also needed to get control of them in case he came back for me again, and I'd have to be ready, unlike last time.
Last time, he blew up the planet, and almost destroyed me!
I couldn't risk that again.
I almost felt guilty for leaving earth alone, while my father is still out there doing who knows what, and I was just there, chilling on a planet.
I felt like I needed to discover, and master my powers as quickly as I could, so I could get back to earth, and end everything going on.
Doing target practice with Tyson really helped, and I could feel myself getting more powerful.
I also just figured that If something goes wrong, and my father ends up destroying earth, or the universe, or me, then Tyson should be the one to take over "superhero duty" because he was the most powerful little thing I had ever met!
(well, I hadn't really met too many powerful little things, but he still wins first place)
So I decided to tell him that.
I sat down with Tyson and told him, "Tyson, this is a serious conversation. If something goes wrong, I want you to breathe fire at the bad man with the green hair."
He didn't know what I meant, but my father had green hair so I figured that he'd recognize him when he saw him.
I continued, "but only the bad man with green hair, no one else. Understand?"
Tyson nodded and reassured me that he understood.
I pet patted him on his head, and told him, "good boy. Now make sure to remember that. You can still destroy other space rocks, but if I'm not ready, you have to be the superhero."
Tyson then gave me a big smile, and looked like he felt really proud of himself.
Then we went right back to target practice.
New powers were popping up left and right off me by this time, and frankly, I was kinda afraid to go back.
I mean, what if I was in the middle of a battle, and fire accidentally shoots out of my nose?!
I didn't want to take any chances, so I was set on discovering them, and mastering them all before I got into any fights.
After our talk however, Tyson was more than ready to fight, being the little hero that he was.
And by our "blowing-up-stuff contests," he would look so proud of himself after every explosion that he made.
But he really did deserve it all, because he was Like, REALLY powerful, as I said before.
That got me thinking that if a BABY Hexling was already so powerful, how powerful would an adult one be?!
Well, I have seen adult Hexlings before, and yes, they are indeed really powerful, and their fires can be much bigger, but the thing was that they weren't so friendly, and would probably kill me.
But, I was thinking what if I would sent Tyson to go get them because the species is only nice to each other, then he can show them that I'm not worth killing, then I could teach them my plan, and I could have a whole army of Hexlings WAY more powerful than anything, and we could easily destroy my father!
I excitedly went over to Tyson to tell him the plan, but when I first mentioned the Hexlings, he surprisingly seemed unenthusiastic, and actually quite afraid.
I was confused, and asked him why.

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