Chapter Nine: Wren

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I gestured for him to come with me, and I took him outside, and now that he was safe, I was able to go back.
I could barely hear him saying "thank you" as I opened up another portal and stepped inside.
I stepped back into the lab and collapsed onto a chair.
"Woah, I can't believe that just happened!" I said to myself.
It had all happened so fast, and I wasn't sure if the kid was ok or not, but I just figured that he'd probably be fine.
Then I suddenly started to get another vision.
This time, the vision was of a girl, with straight, light brown hair in a low ponytail, and blue eyes.
She was probably the same age as me, maybe a bit younger, but I could see that the girl also had powers, and opened a portal to this place, that looked like hell!
I figured that she probably didn't have full control over her powers, and accidentally teleported there.
Anyway, the girl quickly burned to death, then the world exploded.
I thought that wasn't very good, and I didn't know anything about who she was, or how she had anything to do with the world ending, but regardless of that, I had to figure out how to stop her from opening that portal.
A voice inside my head would usually guide me and tell me what to do when i was using the crystal thingy, so this time it was saying, "green! Green! Green!" Over and over again.
I looked at the crystal thingy and started to examine it, looking for a green button, and I ended up finding three.
A dark green, a lime green, and a neon green.
"Which one?!" I screamed, Hoping the voice would hear me or something, and answer me.
"Green! Green!" It just kept on saying.
I just pressed the dark green button.
At first it didn't do anything, but then a super tiny green laser thing was coming out of the hole, and was directed to my head.
My head started to hurt a bit but then, the visions that I had just had was being projected out of the hole, like a TV screen.
But, it looked like it was happening right before.
I wasn't really sure what was happening, but it got to the point where the girl teleported.
I knew I had to act fast, so I took the crystal thingy, and without really knowing what I was doing, I shot a laser at her, and it trapped her in D-67.
D-67 Stands for "the 67th dimension," because in total, there are 500 dimensions; on earth, in between earth, and more, but most of them are in space.
But D-67 is really just basically a fancy way of saying the dimension in between teleported worlds.
Everyone who has ever teleported has been in D-67 for at least like a second, but that dimension is one of the rarest to get stuck in, and that's because there are only two ways to get there; the first way is to glitch while teleporting, and the second way is to get trapped in there by someone else, and in this case, it was that way.
Now, I had to figure out how to get her out of there.
I knew I could only do that if there was a time where absolutely no portals would open up, so the dimension would be evenly balanced, so I could open up my own portal, and shove her out of there to safety, but I didn't know when that time would come. I mean, it could be weeks! But I'd just have to wait.
I only ended up waiting for like two minutes, until I saw that no portal was opening, and quickly sprung into action.
I pointed the purple portal button at the wall there, but I was too late! Another portal in there opened, but my portal was still there and I guess it triggered some sort of glitch, and the whole floor in D-67 started to crack.
"Yes, this is my chance!" I yelled, and under the cracks, I opened another portal, so no matter what, she would be safe in the portal, but if she would miss it, she would end up in a void.
That's basically a place that's in between every dimension, and It's just that; a void.
And that wouldn't be so fun to get stuck in.
Anyway, she successfully landed in my portal, and she was teleported back to D-38. (That's our dimension. The one with earth, and space, and people)
And after all that, I pressed that dark green button again, and once again, flopped onto the chair.
Hoping that the girl was okay, I noticed that it was getting dark out, and since I was beyond exhausted, I fell asleep satisfied that I probably saved the world.
When I woke up in the morning, nothing was going on and I was getting kinda bored, so I decided to explore the lab a bit more.
I was just walking around when I came to this old looking carpet in the middle of the floor.
Obviously, since it's a lab then there's probably something cool hidden under it, so of course, I tried to move it.
It was surprisingly heavy, and also really dusty, but I eventually got it away.
It revealed a big trap door with a metal handle bar.
I pulled it and there were...stairs.
Lots and lots and LOTS of stairs, until the point where I could barely see the bottom, and it was pitch dark.
Almost immediately, I got the urge to go down and explore, but before I did, I would have to prepare.
Pushing the yellow button, it made a flashlight, and I was able to see everything clearly.
I took a small rock from the stairs and threw it down to see how long it would take for it to hit the bottom.
It ended up taking quite a while.
I tossed it down, then I waited....and waited...and waited....and waited until it finally hit the bottom, and I heard a tiny little *klink!*
Even now, knowing it would be a long walk down, I took my first step.

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