Chapter Thirteen

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Kylo was still super scared, and slowly inching towards the rock to see what was there behind it.
Meanwhile, behind the rock, Aria was there behind it, and then out of nowhere, Wren came out of a portal and stepped out right next to Aria, making her even more freaked out.
Wren looked at Aria in silent confusion for a second, trying to process what was happening.
Kylo slowly approached them, and now they were all pretty freaked out.
Aria and Wren got up from behind the rock.
Wren was the first one to talk.
"Okay, who are you people?!" She asked Kylo and Aria.
"I'm Kylo."
He calmly told them, still confused about what was going on.
Aria, still looking scared, told them, "my name's Aria."
Wren looked at them both for a few seconds, and started to realize something.
She noticed that she had seen both of them in her visions at some point.
She then told them, "well I'm Wren, and you guys probably don't know me, but I know who you guys are."
Both Kylo and Aria looked at Wren in confusion.
"Ok, let me explain.
Kylo, do you ever remember being locked up by the government at any point in time, then a girl that looked exactly like me came and saved you?"
It took a few seconds, but then Kylo's face lit up.
"Yes, I remember it.
That girl was you, wasn't it?"
Wren nodded.
She then turned to Aria and asked her, "and do you remember being stuck in D-67?"
Aria answered, "you mean that strange portal-filled void? Yeah, I remember that place."
"Well that was me." Wren told her.
"Wait, what do you mean that was you?! What was that place?!"
Wren answered her, "It's Basically the dimension between portals.
When you opened a portal, your powers must have glitched because you were going straight to hell, so trapping you there was the only way you would live.
Your welcome."
"Thank you?" Aria told Wren.
"Well what are you guys doing here on my planet?"
Kylo asked Wren and Aria.
Wren told him, "well it's kind of a long story. Basically, I don't know how it happens but sometimes I get visions of the future, and I hear voices in my head that tell me important stuff, and I kept getting these visions about this really creepy guy destroying the world!
So, I escaped from home and ran away to this lab where I found this crystal thingy."
and Wren took the Crystal thingy out of her pocket and showed it to them. Kylo's eyes grew wide while looking at it, but Wren continued.
"And with the help of it, I was able to do everything I could to try to prevent the earth from ending, including helping you two."
Next, Aria told Wren and Kylo her story.
"Well, this is also kinda a long story.
So basically, I grew up in an orphanage, not knowing everything about my biological parents or anything, until one day when I started to develop some sort of superpowers.
I had no idea how, but then this man named DR. Sazon appeared and told me that he needed something from me."
And again, Kylo's eyes grew wide.
Aria continued, "I didn't know what it was, and I was really scared so I ran away.
And pretty much ever since then, I've been running away from him, just trying to stay alive and control these strange new powers, while still juggling a bunch of unanswered questions on my brain."
Kylo then looked at both of them and grinned.
"I think my story will put yours together."
Aria and Wren both turned their attention to Kylo, and he began.
"Basically, my father, DR. Sazon was an evil scientist dude, and even though I don't know why, he wanted to destroy the world.
Of course, he knew he couldn't do it alone so he found a way to genetically create superhumans that could be under his control.
But again, I'm not exactly sure how though.
Anyway, he was only able to finish one solder-me.
But I somehow found a way to break away from him, and his evil villainishness.
So after that, I've been up here in space trying to master all of my powers and afterwards, I'm planning on eventually going back to earth to stop my father."
Both of the girls looked at Kylo in shock.
Immediately, all three of them realized that they were dealing with the same villain—DR. Sazon.
Now, Aria was crossing off previous questions from her mental list, but she still had so many, and was still adding more.
Wren's first thought was, " his name is DR. Sazon and I don't have to just keep calling him that creepy guy!"
And Kylo pointed to the Crystal thingy in Wren's hand, then told her, "that device!"
Wren picked it up and asked, "this one?"
Yes, that's the Cerpentis Crystalamis.
It was in my father's old lab from when I was a baby!"
"That's probably the lab that I was staying In. That would explain the baby cribs."
Wren whispered to herself.
"Wait, but there were TWO cribs...I wonder who that other one belonged to.
Then Aria looked behind them and spotted someone.
"Who's that cute little guy sitting inside that rock?" She asked Kylo.
Kylo and Wren both whipped their heads around to see Tyson sitting inside his rock, still looking afraid.
"That's my pet Hexling, his name is Tyson."
Kylo said. Then he started to call for Tyson to come over to them.
He did, and Kylo introduced them.
Tyson quickly started to warm up to Wren and Aria.
After only a few minutes, they suddenly heard a loud cracking sound coming from right above them.
They all looked up just in time to see DR. Sazon shooting a laser at Kylo's force field, and shatter it.

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